
It's pronounced "David Smith."

How do they pack up those giant grills on to the horses?

Yeah, Billy Zane can barely get work in Hollywood these days!

FYI, the Japanese part of the letter is upside down. You can tell because he occasionally uses English words like "steamer" and "smoking room."

Thanks a lot, nerds.

Yeah, I think she gave that exact answer early on.

I thought most Chinese had moved on to League of Legends.

Wouldn't that be Starcraft?

Chinee chin-chin rabu dog har har har you so phanny, mistah.

Think about it. You've probably eaten lots of Chinese food in your lifetime. Has any of it been dog? If so, did you immediately report it to the authorities? Don't give me that crap about "culinary habits".

Cancel Charles U. Farley.

I have to think most of the respondees were like, "Whatever, I'm having trouble finding a job, I don't care what the team is called."

But romper sounds like "romp her." Men can't buy anything that is remotely associated with girls.

Hitler was a jerk!
Mussolini lost his…

Isn't this person regarded as a hack? I never hear about her on the comedy podcasts I listen to, which leads me to believe that she isn't part of that community. Not saying you have to be BFFs with Paul F. Tompkins or Scott Aukerman to be a good comedian, but that is the kind of comedy I like. People from that circle,

Her interview with Marc Maron was very uncomfortable to listen to. Yeah, I don't think she is a right-winger, she's just MAD at the SYSTEM, MAAAANNNNN. As far as being aligned with Trump, they are both incoherent and angry, but that's basically it.

Eurgghhh?!? Hoo-hoo-hoo!

But Roseanne wasn't completely crazy back then.

If the Jello is shit, you must acquit!

At least we finally wrested "Happy Birthday" away from those horrible old crones Mildred and Patty Hill.