
I would say it doesn't matter because people know who wrote it, but then I remember most people aren't big nerds who read Mark Lewisohn's books where he estimates the percentage of each song that should be credited to John or Paul.

But "Dear Yoko" is a much crappier song.

"Was it a millionaire who said imagine no possessions?"


Not really, I bet at least a few little blonde white girls were among the victims at Sandy Hook.

I don't need to know how uncomfortable your supportive garments are.

According to the AV Club, he is not. He's in a movie about the "yazuka." Seriously, my Safari autocorrect won't even let me type it incorrectly. Stop copy editing the "Predisent's" lawyer and focus on your own site.

Uh, the Cavs are fueled by two isolation juggernauts and like to slow down the game, and come from a gritty, Midwestern city. The Warriors are a pass-happy, three-point shooting, free flowing offense from the West Coast. It's the same fucking thing, only better, because the players are better, the coaching more…

Antoine Walker is not walking through that door.

I believe Smashmouth's "All-Star" might qualify, but that might be from 2000. But I would submit Marcy Playground's "Sex and Candy." Or anything by Bush.

The rumor is that Spam tastes like human flesh, and Pacific Islanders loooooove cannibalism.

Isn't that just pizza? Chicago-style is an interesting food, but I would struggle to call it pizza, frankly.

I think the problem wasn't so much that fans were throwing jellybeans. It was that the British version were soft, but American jellybeans are hard, so it was like getting pelted by thousands of small rocks.

Barnes and Noble is still pushing the Nook in 2017.

Alda was on NPR talking about the importance of communication for years before this book came out, so it's clearly something that he was passionate about before 2016.

And then she was discredited after by some douches on Twitter saying that it was all fake news, how could a silly woman rewrite Empire Strikes Back?

Michael B. Jordan is one great role away from becoming the best Michael Jordan.

I was thinking more Bette Midler.

Fucking Neil deGrasse Tyson, am I right?

This was discussed seriously in the comments section of the Charlie Chan article on this site. It was…actually a good idea.