
Does the PRCU include Always Sunny in Philadelphia?

Yongary from Accounting?

I knew he had the same name as a Founding Father! But there was another one named Steve who did sound collages with train noises and such, right?

Good thing they didn't plan a big ad rollout for Game 5. And I hope there won't be any references to how competitive this series is. "It is like the legendary Marvel Civil War…if one side had all the superheroes plus the Guardians of the Galaxy, and the other had, like, the Agents of SHIELD from season 1 and uh, the

AR, baby! Black Panther was like, "Pokemon Go? Ah, that is like the game Wakandan children play in the village, where they hunt computer generated hyperrhinos and deathlions before their coming-of-age walkabout."

But I'm living with my stride mother!

Remember that ransomware a few weeks ago that took control of some guy's computer, and he said he only has $400 in his bank account, so they apologized and went on their way? Hackers are really nice sometimes (though I think in this case they were proven to be Chinese).

Look-a at-a me, I am-a walking on za people at-a za Oscars! Eet izza funny!

And why would adding Ballistic change the way you pronounce them?

It'll be funny when Star Trek starts intersecting with the actual years it is depicting. Like in 2237 we'll be still churning out stories about Captain Kirk. They've already tried to fanwank what Khan was doing, since we're all supposed to be under the rule of a terrible superhuman dictator…wait…could it

One of the things Enterprise did right was have a lot of Andorians. Shran was a great character.

That would require them not chasing the advertising dollars from casual viewers' eyeballs and trusting their core fanbase. Oh, I forgot Star Trek hates its hardcore fans now, so now it's reboots of the Captain Kirk era every time.

Naw, remember, his species' sole purpose is to sense when death is imminent. That is the complete opposite of sexy.

Maybe he is the Traveler, aka Wesley Crusher's life partner who takes him to the far reaches of the universe through, like, thinking. Or maybe he's like the fraud 29th century man played by Matt Frewer who stole his time machine.

I think the point was that his real opus was the kids he taught. But yeah, that piece was not good, and the flashing pinball lights didn't help.

Big expose on…ugh, I was going to make a joke about a contemporary classical composer with a very boring name, but I have totally forgotten the name. Is it Steve…Adams? I think his first name is Steve or Sam.

No, you turn into a Tanooki, which is similar, but your testicles become huge. (Look it up and become fascinated/alarmed).

I had to look it up, and yes, Anthony Edwards is alive. I keep thinking he's dead due to ER.

I like hissing. It seems more highfalutin and Slytherin-like.

Reading about that corrupt president: she was the daughter of a previous president, who was actually a dictator. This was okay, because both her parents died a while ago. Her main scandal was that she was being controlled by her best (only?) friend, who was a psychic, and she was embezzling money for the psychic's