
He told this story on Fresh Air too. So I guess the levels of craziness are:
Fresh Air (Terry Gross foam party)
Master of None

I read this article and immediately went out to get a banh mi. Oh yeah.

Yeah, I have never heard of Soros or Alinsky except when right wing nut jobs bring them up. I wonder why Warren Buffet never comes up as their target, but the Jewish thing is probably why.

That's when Egg Foo Young ventures into the rap game and becomes Yung Egg Fu. Yeah boyeee!

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Many years ago, there was a podcast where they interviewed porn stars seriously, and one of them said "interracial always refers to white female/black male", never black female/white male or any other race. She also lamented that Asian males were almost completely absent from (American) porn.

Why can't straight white dudes catch a break? It's always the POC dudes menacing, er, I mean, romancing the white women! It's probably because they are controlling Hollywood by working hard and writing their own stories. Why isn't anybody giving a chance to white writers to tell their stories?

Eaten by Smelly Cat.

But in winter you could veer off an icy road and crash into a tree, or be buried alive in an avalanche, or just freeze to death. Not to mention those White Walkers.

Yeah, that meme is worse than dead baby sexual assault.

But it was low-res jpegs and the downloads took forever on 28.8 kbps dial-up…so I've heard.

What did they say instead? "The School of Hard Knocks"? (I love that one.) Also a good one is when they name their junior college instead.

It was the Russians!

How old are your classmates, 60? Or are they metalheads?

Somewhat related: I'm listening to an NPR Music podcast about Mother's Day songs, and who comes on as a guest but the rapist from PWR BTTM. The hosts were talking to him about his mom and treating him like their best friend. This interview must've been taped not 2 months ago. It is so creepy to listen to them be

President McKinley was the previous dumbest president ever before being superseded twice since 2000.

Do you not realize that clubs do this because it gets a lot more women into their club, thereby making everybody happy, because otherwise it would be a sausage party?

The second most misspelled word: "milk."

Remember in history class how we all laughed at "primitive" cultures who worshipped their rulers as infallible gods, to the point where the entire country would have to do what he did? E.g., everyone in Spain talks with a lisp because the King of Castile did.

Hopefully, "Master of None" will make it so that Indian-American and Asian-American parents will support kids who choose paths in creative fields.