
These parents would just be making their kids do something else academically grueling that pays no money. At least this way they get rewarded immediately for it.

Yeah, I kinda think most of these kids will become lawyers. Or surgeons or Silicon Valley tech bro disrupters.

Did somebody say Regionals?

Do you meant that song "I Want Sex and Candy" by 7 Mary 3? Or the Mandy Moore song "Candy" which I kinda love-hate?

Tumblr is the worst.

Because that might actually be enjoyable.

BTW, Donald Trump is a Mets fan and claims to "loooove" Mr. Met. So this is on brand for 2017.

I recommend following Gillian Jacobs on Instagram if you want to learn about pioneering women in the early days of computing. There's a lot of them, and I'm sad that they don't teach about their contributions in school.

Harvard janitors are Nobel-laureate level geniuses! How ya like dem apples?

Yeah, I know it sucks being targeted by a racist attack, but my first thought as a Warriors fan is how this will be used to paint Warriors fans or even the Warriors themselves as racist, or it'll be used as an excuse to discount the W's victory because Lebron was "distracted."

Well, la-dee-dah, Mr. "I Own A Clothes Iron and $65", or should I call you Your Majesty?

I've been to a couple of locations. It's…fine. It's basically like a Chipotle but with grilled cheese.

I guess North Carolinans are somewhat…obtuse.

Two-dimensional thinking.

If you're talking about "Fistful of Datas", he plays seven different characters, each with a different personality. Of course, it was a silly holodeck episode, hardly the type of thing that gets Emmy nominations.

I loved that Thomas Riker comes back in a couple of later episodes (I think he was in DS9 or Voyager). He joined the Maquis, right?

Oh, you'll get angry comments from the Scottish. It was a Scottish sex ghost, not Irish!

Covfefe had to keep covfefe.

What about Darmok?

I thought he was part of the Judaen People's Front, but he turned out to belong to the People's Front of Judaea.