
Yeah, you'd have to make it so that every car is automated or else that one yahoo driving under his own power would fuck it up and get into an accident.

Will those Asian dads give me a hard time about not getting straight A's?

I'm surprised there hasn't been more pushback from the libertarian/conservative sphere against self-driving cars, since America is so much about individual liberty and fuck public transport. Maybe it's too far away for them to react.

"You're So Vain", the musical?

Thank you India, thank you terror.
/looks it up
That song came out in 1998?! Jesus.

WAAAAAITTTTT a minute, Tom Bodet was the voice of Good Idea Bad Idea? Mind. Blown.

I loved the Goodfeathers even though I had no idea what the references were because I was too young to see Goodfellas and the Godfather. Somehow I don't think it would hold up as an adult. But I want to see anyway!

I didn't even remember the hippos until this. Yeah, no one liked them.

In an alternate timeline, that would've been the First Husband!

Lock the gates!

Man, I'm so old. I remember in kindergarten we would sit either "Indian-style" or "Japanese-style". Yeah, "criss-cross applesauce" is more sensitive, plus it rhymes!

You mean "Stealth" was not the best followup to an Oscar nomination? It was certainly better than "Snow Dogs."

That was the "transition" year between Farley-Sandler-Spade and Will Ferrell's cohort. Mark McKinney from KOTH and Chris Elliott were also on that season too, and I believe young Sarah Silverman too.

That's an ABCD, otherwise known as the "Douchebag Grand Slam."

Dear lord, that show lasted for 6 years? That's as long as Community…

Please, you can end your sentence with a preposition. The way you phrased it, it sounds like the a-hole will not put up with the Drafthouse's nonsense.

But I like when the teacher works out the proof on a chalkboard!

Bong got sidetracked at the Taco Bell.

Or it could be like Tiptoes, where Gary Oldman just walks around on his knees.

The refrigerator section has gotten more and more prominent over the years.