
They're good dogs, Brant.

Don't. Call. Me. CHICKEN! *kicks hoverboard*


Erik Bachmann, he is a liar, and he has no money, and he is very fat.

In the novelization, I remember that scene primarily for its description of Spock's soft genitals.

I look forward to these stories becoming true, because there is no way to parody this ridiculous administration.

It feels like they are setting her up to die in the first episode, and then the First Officer chick will take over as captain. She's almost too big of a star for this, and the alien who says his people's sole purpose was to predict death (MAJOR EYEROLL) predicted death. Has it been confirmed that she's in this thing

They did a great job updating the old Enterprise in "Relics" (the TNG episode with Scotty) and the DS9 episode with the Tribbles. The "enhanced" TOS episodes that have very slight CGI on the SFX are also great. They preserve the look of the show but make it feel less cheap.

That's more of a coded classist comment. Japanese restaurants in the US are mostly owned by Korean-Americans or some other Asian ethnicity, except for the ones with Michelin stars. So she's basically saying this joint is run by working-class immigrants, not a rich celebrity chef. NOT WORTH MY REFINED IVY LEAGUE PALATE.

In my mind, I always associated Romulan ale with the blue Bombay Sapphire bottle, so it was a clear spirit like vodka. Maybe the person who came up with that was a 12 year old boy who didn't know anything about alcohol, which matches up with Trek's core demographic.

I can't believe David Boreanaz is the cast member who achieved mainstream success from the Buffyverse. Well, you can argue Aly Hannigan and Joss Whedon himself too, but DB probably has the lowest actual talent:salary ratio.

Maybe there is a "Get Out"-type answer to that question involving hypnotism.

Hey, Otto went to Brown.

Next time you ask what an academic dean actually does all day, this is the answer.

Hasn't Eater been fairly "problematic" for doing puff pieces about cultural appropriated foods? Like there was that article about the "right way" to eat pho, and then some other article about these douchebags from Brooklyn who bought a special pot from China to make artisanal soy sauce or some shit. Just looking in

I'll be in my bunk.

That looks like a Fremen stillsuit to me.

There was one episode in TNG where some enemy had a super outdated ship and Worf reported, with a Klingon smirk, "They are attacking us with LASERS." IIRC, Riker practically started slapping his knee, it was so hilarious.

Is that Smash Burger, perchance?

A person I know likes to put ketchup in yogurt. I thought it sounded revolting, but after considering it, it probably tastes a lot like whatever Shack sauce is.