
He says while peering over the giant beige cathode ray tube monitor that is taking up his entire desk.

Wasn't that one of the last big Gawker series before they got Hulk Hogan'd? The guy who had never eaten jello or bananas or any number of fairly common foods?

I think it's like when you have an archer in Fire Emblem and you're completely walled in, except that you can hit another, stronger archer, but you will inevitably die. You might as well do it.

Quantico is the headquarters of the FBI. Are you suggesting the FBI is the enemy of this administration, as is ABC?


It's almost like they believe in the free market except when their shitty thing doesn't perform well in it.

They will blame Obama.

The real threat is if other countries now understand that it is very easy to attack the US now, since there is a moron in charge. Maybe they are still too scared to challenge our military directly, but it would be easier to start a war somewhere else, and Trump wouldn't care enough to respond.

I have seen the same sort of people saying Gregg Popovich shouldn't criticize Trump because he majored in Soviet politics and coaches a basketball team. (Popovich attended the US Air Force Academy.) So Russia is our friend when it's Republicans (or more importantly, Trump supporters), but when it's the other side,

"They love gold and they work really hard to get it! They are a model minority!"

Yeah, very clickbait-y headline when the actual quotes are measured and reasonable.

Baseball and basketball are basically for nerds now. So is hockey, but only white people like it.

That's kinda what happens to every supervillain on that show, except the ones they outright kill.

Eurovision happened last weekend. I seem to remember a time when this site would cover something like that.

Except South Korea actually impeached and fired their corrupt weirdo president, and we still have ours.

I love the Sublime text editor in the background window.

We're missing a real opportunity to name a public transportation system BORT.

Both Lyft and Uber's moms are named Martha?

You mean you don't just reach in with your bare hands into boiling water and take out the noodles? The first few times it really hurt, but afterwards you build up a nice resistant crust on your hands.

I became a studio head when some moistened bint threw a scimitar at me, how about you?