
No, Scarlett Johanssen.

How many Jeb!s?

I loved AP and Honors classes simply because none of the mouth breather jock guys took them. It was nerd heaven, just studying with all my friends.

I need my tools!

What, a cat? We dissected a fetal pig. Actually, that might've been Physiology. I don't think we actually did any dissection in AP Bio.

For some reason I thought he was an older black man, which in my mind made it kinda okay. It's still dumb and annoying, but at least he's not some privileged jackass.

I was gonna say, last time this showed up on my TL (last week) he had "only" 2.3M, so I thought he wouldn't make his goal.

That was a retcon!

I'm naming my dog "Lindsay Naegle."

It's ALWAYS the other one!

Yeah, I had no idea what a Salt Bae was until three weeks ago. Am I an old?

Mr. Pibb can't even get an honorary doctorate!

Why are my bones so brittle? I always eat plenty of Smalt.

Tatsumaki senpuukyaku!

You mean the place where they set the lake on fire?

That kid won't ever amount to more than a penny.

I think he's more into being married to his billionaire heiress/model wife (who TBF seems like a pretty cool woman). You can tell she told him to cut down his workaholism to, like, two regular TV hosting gigs and 1 podcast per week.

There was a scene where she was doing exercises and you could see her sweat, and I was like..uhhhh, I'll be in my bunk. I like a good honest sweat.

All you need is kill, (all together now!)
all you need is kill, (everybody!)
all you need is kill, kill
Kill is all you need.

Yeah, anyone who writes code like that would not be hired anymore. It's all about OOP now.