
They simply "reaccomodated" Pikachu—to a BIGGER HOUSE!

He surely should never be elected to the baseball Hall of Fame.

I'm gonna need a lot more explanation of trade disputes in this movie, Ang. - George Lucas' notes on the script


I'm surprised this hasn't happened before. Also, the long-haired guy in the middle is aging horribly.

It's pronounced "Jeh-HAH-mez." Rhymes with Thomas.

And it will happen again.

Think of a way to incorporate food into this, and you're hired.

I just saw Get Out last weekend. Loved it. Good job, Peele!

I kinda want a movie where present-day Wil Wheaton, Sean Astin, and the kid from the Sandlot (actually, we probably don't need him) team up and…start a podcast about their very normal, ordinary lives.

Hmm, soccer: Bend It Like Beckham (pretty good), Escape to Victory (classic camp), that FIFA movie that grossed $18.

It helps that baseball movies excise most of the boring parts of watching actual baseball.

Not to defend her in anyway, but I often use the "like" function as a way to save tweets for later viewing, without any judgment on whether I enjoy the content of the tweet or even agree with it. So it could have very well been to save that person to an enemies list of some sort.

Ah, yes, "Tubby."

I'm afraid that if I have a child, he/she will be cooler than me and bully me.

Wolverine runs afoul of an Irishman.

That's where Obama set up his caliphate!

My Chinese parents often talked about Charlie Chan in an admiring way. Being a kid at the time, I had no idea what the heck they were talking about. I just wanted to watch Dukes of Hazzard, the other show that would never be made today in the same form.

No, he's bros with President Xi now and Xi gave him the scoop on the history of China in 10 minutes.

I would say the people who really need to apologize are Deep Blue Something, the one-hit wonder band that had the song "Breakfast at Tiffany's."