
Gold is the best color! The way you know something is classy is if it's entirely gold plated! This is the yuugest, classiest starship!

And that spelling is preserved in the delicious Mexican food, flautas.

I got a ancient kings of Persia notification for this?!?

Will it have full frontal male nudity?

"You know, I was against Trump at first, but after seeing the dumb classes they were offering at Berkeley (or as I call it, BEZERKELEY), I agree with him completely! Build that wall! Kick them out!"

Dude, chill out. Every time Berkeley announces one of these types of courses, whether it was the Tupac or the Madonna one, every cultural critic comes out to snipe, and it reveals much more about themselves than the university or the state of education.

Sort of like when Martin Shkreli says he cured AIDS, it means he purchased the patents for some HIV drugs, then jacked up their prices by 70,000%.

They will call this the Dr. David Dao Dilemma. Do you dare delay getting the dollars, or do you get dropped and dragged?

The Beaver?

U-Mamma Mia!

I want the most expensive item on the menu stuffed with the second most expensive item.
Yes sir, lobster stuffed with tacos!

How does he keep up with the news like that?

That way leads to musings on why "one" is spelled and pronounced the way it is.

My sushi got diseases from the Chumash tribe!

Apparently mediocre uni tastes just like pudding + soy sauce, which does not sound appealing in the least to me.

You would win "Russian sushi."

Bet his legal team is trying to find the unidentified witness who snitched.

Elsa becomes a robot, Anna gets a cell phone.

Wreck II Ralph: Andromeda.

T-titles, uh, um, find a way.