
Goth: "Excuse me, do you have a flavor that looks like I would be eating asphalt?"
Bully: "Yeah, it's called me curbing your face, dorkus!" *punch*

Wendy's is part of the big 3? The Hardee's/Carl's Jr. split really kills brand recognition, huh.

Okay, my comment got deep-sixed because it mentioned Costco and Starbucks, but open racism is allowed to pass. Good job, mods.

What about the white stuff?

I kinda love that he sounds the same. I imagine Bob doing Archer things and vice versa.

"We can't have people lying about their identity at Wendy's! That way lies chaos!"

A lot of these are not even drawn in the typical anime style. 完全失敗, internet.

Except now we are living in a time where Nazis can be out and proud.

One would think that it takes a Master's in Fine Arts degree in order to post on the AV Club, yet here you are.

Oreno Kirsten-chan.

The bubbly blonde actress character in Lost in Translation was supposedly based on her press tour for Spiderman. At the time I thought, "Oooh, what a takedown!" but the more time goes by, the more I hate that movie and Sofia Coppola. Fuck you, you Godfather-ruiner. Who the fuck are you to bag on other actresses?

No one who calls himself Generalissimo could be a bad man!

I just listened to Crosby's interview with Marc Maron the other day. He really doesn't hide that he hates Nash the most now. I'm mostly with him until he started sounding like a cranky old man by hating on rap music.

"Lose the 'the'," said Justin Timberlake. "Just Faustbook."

Good thing Trump is defunding science! That'll show the REAL racists (aka women and minority scientists)!

Shit, I just started listening to that podcast. I guess I can stop now and switch to S-Town?

Laugh it up fuzzballs, you won't be laughing when he nukes North Korea and/or Cleveland because he's mad about this. (Because you know the Cavs, should they win the NBA championship, will mostly skip out on this shit. Except Kevin Love, of course.)

Haha, haha! Yo Artemis, who ya runnin' with?

It's basically soy sauce, sugar, cornstarch, and some spicy stuff in various ratios, plus weird chemical preservatives. It's not like it's from some ancient recipe your Chinese grandma perfected.

William F. Buckley references are what the kids of the '90s really loved.