
but boo-urns to the successful girthie

Hey! Less with the talky-talky and more with the "pants on the ground"

Might as well throw another shrimp on the reboot barbie.

I'm looking forward to Maitre d'Man, then.

Is it bad that was *exactly* what I was hoping for?

Necrobutcher sucks a fat Furngully!

Speaking of critics, I am outraged, *outraged* I tells ya, by the following line in the Old Dogs review

I thought editorial mistakes were an Onion trademark!

I don't know exactly, but I'd guess it has to do with a copyright fiasco similar to what plagued LXG's Black Dossier.

"Earth One" just doesn't sound right.
How about "Superman: EXTREME!"
Eh, maybe it needs more X's and exclamation points.

I gotta put in a shoutout for Leaving Las Vegas.

Yeah! And… and… Battletoads?

Mr. Lincoln.
I realize you have been away for a while, so please allow me to offer this primer on current events.
The horse-drawn buggy has come a long way in the intervening centuries, good sir. I do not mean this literally, but conceptually.
Whereas the vehicle of your day might well be capable of impressing the odd

I think you've just described Second Life.

Oh, and glad to have you back, comics panel.
Seems like its been a long time.

BPRD? Say no more.
I love how every book has at least one guaranteed Lovecraftian vision. That, and how gub'ment agents tool up to fight it back into the void.

But… what IF God were one of Us?

The box has…

and shotguns!

petethehammer wins five pounds of nerd cred