
Yeah, that's Prince of Darkness all right.
But the Devil wasn't an alien, he Tim Curry from "Legend".

I'm just hoping they go all "Story of Ricky/Ricky-Oh" on these sequels.

I hope Westley Willis does the soundtrack.

Gotta disagree with that!

Also makes it tough to be a mechanic.
A lawyer, though, no problem.

Secret #2: Order a sandwich

Sounds like Necrobutcher has a new alt.

Are we piling on WTWTA now? Good.

Somebody please tell me
That Evi's middle name starts with an L.

Ain't that the truth, Lurker.


He definitely gives Christopher Walken a run for his money in the bedtime-story-reading department.

Thank you for your explanations of Into The Wild.

Dude, are you talkin' about Wip3out?

Sure, comic books, but reading a "graphic novel?" Why, that's being avant garde.


I'm only pulling this from memory, but I'm pretty sure that scene used a slide-whistle and bicycle horn, too.

Infected Girls - Electric Six

I think that's "all that mystical, New Zealand greenery" that O'Neal was talking about in the article.

All I can say is that the kids I hang out with loved The Fantastic Mr. Fox, and so I got to see it about a dozen times. It never wore out its welcome.