
Speaking of balls of snot, here's a trivia question for you:
Which movie's plot pivoted on the utterance of the phrase, "This town means about as much to me as festering pile of dog snot!"

This remake may work.

In the director commentary, Carpenter notes that the young James Hong studies a lot of Chinese mythology, and was able to apply it to meet the demands of playing a 1000 year old etheral demon cursed sorcerer-emperor/Trading Company president.

Lo Pan: "There are many mysteries, many unanswerable questions, even in a life as short as yours."

Is that a Heavy Thermic Lance you're holding, or are you just glad…
Judging by the picture at the top, we're gonna be fighting a lot of lobstermen.

I don't have anything to add about the right or wrongs of marriage as an institution—

You can always come back and try again

At least this seems to have a heart somewhere under its fur.

Jack's response to the picture at the top of the page:

Hehe, you said, "there are a shitload of entry points for getting into Price".

According to Idiocracy, the Greatest Movie Ever Made is, was, and always shall be "Ass"

I believe the flavor text should have been:
Oh Billy, Let's Not Park Here
Oh Billy, Let's Not Park
Oh Billy, Let's Not
Oh Billy, Let's
Oh Billy!

If you can find a copy, I'd say that Don Rosa's The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck is a great start for the 7-10 crowd, and definitely holds appeal for much older readers.

I thought the title was referring to Steve Martin's concept of "getting small".

Re: the question "That being said, why do we need a comic book of something that was old news two years ago?"

Dear Necrobutcher:


@Prep H: agreed on the entertainment value of a Crispin Glover sighting.

Indeed, Doritos' newest chip is Mrs. DeGroot's Tacos Before Midnight. Now with Cheddar, Lettuce, and Tomato flavor! Si Ortega!

What's more American than the Simpsons?