
Presented in the context of his hulking frame contrasted with his thoughtful demeanor, Al Ghul bears mentioning.

"He also has an ace in the hole in Liam Neeson, who proved himself a soulful action hero in Darkman and didn't get another opportunity to do it again until his recent Steven Seagal-like bonesnapper Taken."

It's amusing that those books pose a question that nobody asked. Of course we know what happened the Man of Tomorrow and the Caped Crusader! DC has pumped out enough books about them to cover every single second of their lives, in all universes, even the communist ones.

Orson Welles did not play the voice of a garbage planet. That was the homeworld of the Junkions, the leader of whom (Wreck-Gar) was voice by Eric Idle.

Here y'go lady:

Wait man…

Are you talking about the 10th Anniversary Collector's Treasure Chest edition?

It's a tribute to his storytelling (or perhaps to my childhood attention deficit) that I read through Silent Interlude twice before I noticed there weren't any words. Pictorial storytelling at its memorable best.

I thought this was the movie adaptation to "Goodnight Moon", but they truncated the title to make it more "edgy".

True. I would say that for giving us Pulp Fiction, Tarantino deserves eternal benefit of the doubt.

It's not about the flannel, it's the tooth count.

His speech patterns are unsettling.

What I find most off-putting about his concept is the idea that the allied strategy in World War II was flawed because it didn't include brutalizing prisoners or fomenting terror.

I don't know about that post.
Just keepin' it real here, dog.
It seemed a little pitchy to me.

Kirkland doesn't just make zombies stories! A wide variety of their outstanding products are now available at your local Costco.

Believe what you will, but if you think women are really like their portrayal in Y, you need to get out of the comic shop.

To the contrary, I thought Vaughn's opinions on gender were pretty clearly spelled out. Without men running the country, women found a government based man-hating lesbianism a compelling choice and were largely unable to get any kind of machinery working.

A further argument for supporting TPBs and GNs are not just the consistency, but also that they tell as story with a beginning, middle, and an end. Such collections revolutionized comic consumption for me because I can go through them like novels.

Best Madden quote, when telestrating a Ricky Williams run on Monday Night Football:

Anyone see The Mouse and His Child?