Longtime Lurker

I was disappointed that we did not get a Dr. Strangelove impersonation from Alex.

Good point - in modern times a Dan Quayle allusion would be reminiscent of "Boy, they're really socking it to that Spiro Agnew guy again." (And incredible as it may seem, Quayle has been out of office about as long as Agnew had been when that Simpsons episode aired.) And Quayle was also a triple stumper the other

You could be right. The game is not on J-Archive yet.

Remember when Triple Stumper Picket Fences was a show beloved by critics and Emmy voters? (Albeit less so by actual viewers.) Now it is even more forgotten than Murphy Brown, which at least will always have Dan Quayle to keep its memory alive.

Actually, Rod is not the protagonist of the song - the verses are in the third person and the chorus is in quotation marks. Stewart in interviews has sometimes expressed disappointment that this is rarely noticed.

Wait, what? I think there is some mistake here.

The syndicated critic in my local paper thought this was a great movie. It sounds as if he was not definitely not correct.

He tried but by mistake he hit the button to report a regicide.

Thanks for pointing out that there was some confused strategy behind her wager, rather than that it was just a random number.

Onomatopoeic interjections can be hard to transcribe, but am I not really surprised that it was Dawson who was right and the show that was technically wrong.

Also, the tidings of great joy were addressed to the shepherds, not Mary and Joseph. Good thing Linus was not a contestant.

The number is so appallingly large that I did not do an exact count, but most of that list seems to be people who acted on unclear/murky motives with no sign of any political motivation. I would concede Roof, Loughner (although he actually is doubtful), and a few others as having been on "the right" broadly defined.

No - they moved it from after the break to the very end of the first round. Then they moved it back to where it had been. The change obviously lasted long enough for the Seinfeld writers to notice, but I think not very long overall - no more than a year or two.

You are both right - at least in my market, all the 10.2s and 12.2s and so forth that you can get over the air are also available as high-triple-digit cable channels.

There is a myth where the wounded but immortal centaur Chiron wants to be mercy-killed and trades immortality with Prometheus (who by this time has been freed from his own torture), but it isn't clear why Prometheus was not immortal to begin with, since his ancestry is purely divine.

The Objection! Man (Woman?) has not posted today, so I will steal his/her shtick and note that:

I did enjoy when Tina on Bob's Burgers referred to a long conversation as "a binge talk." But yes, this is about the least surprising news ever.

I wonder. It seems kind of logical, but I don't know if that is the rule or not.

I enjoyed that also - his tone was "I have been on so many shows I can't keep track of them all - that was one of them, right?"