Longtime Lurker

Fair point, although ATL is also used for the city in general - LAX is used for the airport only, and of course JFK does not refer to the city name at all.

I think JFK and LAX are really the only American airports that people refer to by the three-letter names in everyday speech. And I think La Guardia has very few international flights, certainly not to any place as far away as Hong Kong.

I never heard this before. The consensus belief has always been that auditioners are chosen at random from among those who passed (widely rumored but never confirmed to be those who scored above 35). I am sure that Doctor Professor just had an off-day and could do very well on the show if chosen, but I don't think

As I said elsewhere, it would have been better for Bob and Jimmy to team up against the horse-meat seller than for Jimmy to take the pro-horse-meat side.

The character became irredeemable when he opposed Bob and took the side of the guy who had sold him horse meat. That was a lost opportunity for minimal character development that even the nastiest person would show in real life.

I thought this episode was just OK. They have gone to the well of "The eccentric town embraces its eccentricities" maybe a time or two too many.

Thank you. Interesting. Odd.

Thank you to you also.

Thank you. It is strange how sometimes a very old property suddenly becomes hot for no clear reason.

For those who were disappointed that MST3K on Comet TV was the same seven or eight episodes over and over again, in recent weeks they have finally added some new ones. Tonight we have The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies and Hercules.

Is this a continuation of the movie that came out within the last year or a completely different project?

No conspiracy theory, just sarcasm.

There are grains of truth in this, but it still baffles me that anyone would hate-watch this show. It seems like the sort of show that if you don't like it, you just don't watch it.

In the first season or so, there were hints that Louise might actually be a sociopath (or psychopath?
- I always forget which is which) capable of genuinely dangerous behavior - her rant in the minor-league-baseball episode about "squeezing lemon into your wound" is the most vivid but not the only example. I think

Her own Wikipedia entry (which I just read and which revealed all the facts you mentioned and more) is horrible and sad.

Is there any real evidence for this in the text? It seems as if every non-sexual friendship in literature is now retroactively "queer."

The 19th-century footage was jarringly paired with a modern-day Bible translation. I guess the King James really has lost it once-secure cultural foothold.

Has there been a Trial of the 21st Century? (Besides the Chinese one mentioned in the article.) Even though we have had several notable trials during this century so far, it seems as if the phrase has fallen out of use. Maybe it was too associated with the 20th Century. Or maybe O.J. was considered to have been

Any mention of Geoffrey Rush makes me think of the Treehouse of Horror episode where Homer tried to get onto the spaceship of people being saved from Y2K by claiming to be "the piano genius from the movie Shine."

I have thought of that myself in the last few days. I think a superior-subordinate relationship is always potentially exploitative and that Letterman, as much as I enjoyed him at one time, probably should have been fired. And his wife also began as a staffer! I am not really sure whether that mitigates the offense