Longtime Lurker

It is a boring name and I wish I had picked a more humorous one. This was not my first comment by any means. (Although for someone to de-lurk on the last day would have been pretty funny.)

I just made this my last upvote, but since the upvotes will all be gone soon, I decided to acknowledge it with my last comment as well.

He is just the observer, not the owner.

Fox was never actually a cable station, but (as other commenters have said) cable might have been needed to get it if the broadcast signal (usually on a UHF station) came in poorly.

I would have to rewatch that one to see if Homer was a jerk in it, but you are right that that was the era of Bart as sidekick/straight man.

I never was part of A.V. Club After Dark, never read Savage Love, rarely read the Tolerability Index, so I never knew that he had a long history of complaining about his (apparently fictitious) personal problems. I don't recall ever even seeing the name Opera Punk until after the "death." I only knew E. Buzz Miller

I don't post or even lurk here much anymore, so apparently I missed a lot. Well-liked and intelligent commenter + romance with (maybe even marriage to? - I forget the details) another commenter + untimely death + really nice move by the staff to acknowledge the death with an obituary = all fake? I guess on a day

Just a nitpick - Jerry Capehart (previously co-author of "Summertime Blues") wrote "Turn Around, Look at Me."

I never realized how blatant it was. I read an article at the time that downplayed the similarity (falsely, it would seem), and by the time YouTube was invented, I no longer cared and never thought to look it up.

I must have heard it hundreds of times, but all I remember of the lyrics is disconnected fragments without a clear sense of their order. Like a game show contestant with a parting gift - Hollywood is calling for the movie rights - I like coffee, I like tea - enter my final plea (I guess that rhymes with tea?) - hey,

I am embarrassed to admit that although I had more or less figured out the week/day/hour thing by that point, I just thought "That guy kind of looks Murphy." I didn't realize Nolan would play around with the timeline enough to actually have the same character appear out of order.

I know one thing they won't be needing for the rest of the war - left-handed stores!

I went in having forgotten that Styles was even in the movie, but when I did remember, I had him confused with Whitehead's friend (Bonnard). But Whitehead himself was clearly not Styles - I cannot imagine anyone would think that (unless you just had never seen Styles before - I remembered his face vaguely but enough

So there is known to be a modern faker? I wasn't sure. (Obviously this tile was not "fake" in the sense that it really did exist, but fake in the sense that the faker is not the original guy and is probably someone who wants get a rise out of people - a offline troll, so to speak - rather than a true believer in his

I was in Philadelphia this weekend and saw one that I think must be fairly new - the Jupiter message was on the left side and the right side declared that (paraphrased from memory - also censored after Version 1.0 ended up in moderation) "Hitmen from Venezuela and Cuba tried to kill me and failed, so they hired a

I was in Philadelphia this weekend and saw one that I think must be fairly new - the Jupiter message was on the left side and the right side declared that (paraphrased from memory - also offensive language alert) "Hitmen from Venezuela and Cuba tried to kill me and failed, so they hired a faggot cell to kill my

He also does not really fit the spirit of the category, which was about people not primarily known as game show hosts, but of course it was not explicitly limited in that way.

I remember hearing an anecdote from him about how overwhelmed he felt when he received the assignment. He put the Kermit puppet they had given him on a table in his house and let it silently stare at him for a month before he finally had the courage to put his hand inside and try to do the voice.

Although they must have to do that a bit when two characters voiced by the same person interact, right? Or did they rig it so that Miss Piggy and Fozzie (e.g) never interacted?

George Herbert is a good long-ago example.