Longtime Lurker

It always baffles me when they suddenly think to include someone like Joan Baez. If her work counts as rock and roll, she should have been inducted years ago. If they took this long to put her on the ballot, then presumably they previously did not consider her rock and roll.

Saul Zaentz cheated out of money = let me get out the proverbial world's smallest violin.

In New England most of those names don't rhyme.

I think it might be two years by now. Time flies!

While one obviously wishes to avoid gross generalizations and offensive stereotypes, I think it is still fair to say that certain personality types flourish most in different parts of the country.

I don't know if it really needs to be on this website, but if you read it to the end, it is not nasty at all.

Poorly chosen example, but the general point that most state governors unambiguously have this power remains.

I can't imagine Norm really approves of murder, but that does seem to be deadpan anti-comedy taken to an unpleasant extreme. How did the audience react?

I think you mean Don Ohlmeyer? I don't believe that Ebersol had any involvement with that as far as I remember.

Naming a song "Winter Wonderland" is kind of asking for trouble, though. Unless the fame of the real thing never got as far as Scotland? (Except Annie Lennox is Scottish - but maybe that version came later.)

Oh, you mean "Homer at the Bat" - all-time classic - baseball yes, Isotopes no. But I have a vague feeling that there may well have been a more recent episode in which Burns was indeed portrayed as the owner of the Isotopes.

I think it actually refers to the "Don't tase me, bro" incident from about a decade ago (or more? - was it somehow connected to the 2004 election?).

Confession: Since the classic years ended I have not always kept up with new episodes.

It was in the very first season - I think the one where they had a bread and breakfast (which I guess was straightforwardly entitled "Bed & Breakfast"). I did think he had been kind of de facto retconned as a lifelong bachelor, so I was surprised to see this come up again.

This and "Wonder" a couple seasons ago have given me a desire to listen to a whole album of Teddy covers. (Or rather, a whole album's worth, spread out over the end credits of several episodes over several seasons. They would be more enjoyable that way than all at once in a row.)

They sell it in the grocery store now! You are missing out (unless, like me, you don't really care for iced tea even with lemonade mixed in).

The baseball team is the Isotopes. The names seem to refer to Springfield as a center of the nuclear power industry (along the same lines as Milwaukee Brewers, Pittsburgh Steelers, Detroit Pistons), although I don't recall that Mr. Burns has ever been portrayed as directly involved.

There cannot be any man in sports history less likely to whine after a loss than Belichick.

A strange mixture of extremely obscure local references that no one outside the region would get (the Movie Loft!) and broad dated stereotypes (yes, I know this is just satire, but in modern times the Boston accent is very class-based and would be highly unlikely to be found on the lips of a doctor, especially a

The Arnold Palmer is non-alcoholic - it really is just a "drink" in the sense of "beverage."