Longtime Lurker

New England foliage looks beautiful even in animated form.

I did further research and the congratulations tweet is indeed from the real guy, blue check mark and all. But it may well have been automated as you hypothesized below.

There is a fake Pence account that I have seen retweeted a few times. (Unlike fake Trump accounts, it generally posts from a pro-GOP point of view, so I am not sure what its rationale is.)

For anyone who has been to a taping: Is there an applause sign that cues these moments? (Or fails to - I think I have seen the reverse error of a non-applauded category run as well.) Or is the audience just supposed to remember on their own when to clap?

One wrinkle is that the vice president must be confirmed by both houses, not just the Senate, so they both have to exist first.

The fiascos mostly took place off-screen. In one case we can thank Kim Jong-un (or whoever did the Sony hack - do we really know for sure?) for the fact that we know about it at all.

No, she was actually very smart and clever - that was the point of the movie (to the extent that it had a point - obviously it was actually 99% fluff). Just like Jennifer on WKRP in Cincinnati, the favorite show of all young A.V. Club writers.

I assume Billy Crudup plays Theodore White? I guess his fame has faded so that he is now just "a journalist."

I am more concerned why Jay suddenly has a different picture (but then reverts to the usual one) and Core Concept is suddenly CORE_CONCEPT_2. Have mirror-universe people wandered in here?

You don't have to answer in the form of a question!

I know you are only half-serious at most, but at some point the name you use for most of your life becomes your "real name" whether or not it is on your birth certificate. No one would say that Cary Grant or Marilyn Monroe is not a correct response (although granted, those names were not stolen from pre-existing real

My understanding from my (very slight) knowledge of the character and her videos is that this is indeed supposed to be a parody and that your one-sentence summary is accurate. Parody is a legitimate genre (at least in theory - this may well be and probably is a failed example of it, of course). Many commenters seem

The Jesuit schools such as BC have been de facto liberal for a very long time now, certainly since before Esposito would have been a student in the early 2000s. Does she really say that "you could be expelled if you were out," or did the summary get the facts lost in translation?

My understanding is that you are only supposed to sell the knives in formal at-home appointments, not over the phone. I think your friend went rogue (or this story is just made up).

Hold on - we all misread it. I think a different church (in Straslund, Germany) is the one that burned down in 1647. With all these churches it can be easy to lose track of the antecedent.

To lose one spire is a misfortune; to lose two seems more like carelessness.

Also, there actually is no Bob's Burgers tonight! Chappell is a tease.

What is this?

Did the word use to be in the headline? It is gone now.

I think the opposite - the acting is fine but the writing is questionable.