Longtime Lurker

It really depends on how well he can hit - that is where stardom usually comes from. Catching is not really one of the traditional power positions, but some catchers, such as Piazza, Bench, and Mauer all mentioned by Bela, have been great hitters. (Or Yogi Berra, although Mickey Mantle was (deservedly) the big star

No, I agree. I barely noticed her last week, but she really got the show off to a bad start today.

I was pleasantly surprised that Ghost Dad did not reappear.

But even when it was just on the radio or daytime TV, the Vice President was always there as President of the Senate. You can really blame Woodrow Wilson in 1913 - before that the President just sent a written message. I don't know, however, if the Cabinet members have always attended since 1913 or if that started

I know it more from the "Buddy Holly" video - which I just realized is also 20+ years old now. Time for the retirement home for me.

I think it is probably because he was the only independent king in a continent otherwise almost entirely colonized at that time, but I am fuzzy on the details.

Manon Rhéaume (the female goalie) played in the minors and in two NHL exhibition games, which is impressive, but she never played in a regular season NHL game. I think she has limited value as a precedent.

I think some people base their bet solely on "Is this category easy or hard for me?" and never take into the account the other scores. That can be defensible for a DD (except in the very late stages), but for an FJ it is a bad idea to say the least. Even though she got it right, she must have had not had confidence

I thought he was on record as a Mets fan! He is clearly not a man to be trusted.

Fair enough, but the song that I really found to be pointless but was not any of the dream songs, but the one in real life between Louise and the family - so forgettable that I don't think anyone else has mentioned it!

There are probably Teddies everywhere.

Jimmy Fallon was just cast in a movie. New York is his real home (and as far as I know his real sports allegiance).

Teddy does not have a stereotypical Good Will Hunting accent, but over the last few years I have noticed that a lot of middle-aged or older, often socially awkward men here in New England have vocal cadences like his. But maybe they do in New Jersey also - I don't have enough first-hand experience there.

It was actually Robert Parrish.

Ah - the joke is on me then. If it had been a Hebrew or Arabic book, I would have known.

Does one read a manga back-to-front? If so, wow - that was a pretty excellent subtle joke.

I wonder which one he thought was the non-Jones fourth? A Clockwork Orange seems perhaps the most likely.

The Ireland of de Valera was a very ban-happy polity, so I would tend to doubt that. (Wikipedia backs me up with a longish list that I am sure is incomplete: https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…

Yeah, with the gradual (but not so gradual that I didn't even notice!) relaxation of network standards and practices over the years, there are probably more off-color jokes now than in the classic years. (See "cranking to my bottom" as mentioned above.)

And that was how I found out. Gee.