Longtime Lurker

A recent revisionist biography says he wasn't a racist and really not a very bad guy at all. Most of the stories about him (although not the one you mention!) were apparently made up out of whole cloth by a sensationalist journalist after Cobb was dead and unable to refute.

I don't know it it's the change to pollock that is responsible, but the taste seems to have changed for the worse lately. (Or maybe my palate has belatedly matured and recognizes a bad taste that was there all along.)

I infer that it was an ad for Heck's opponent that ran during Jeopardy! in Jay S.'s market. (I guess our fearless leader is a Nevadan? For some reason I thought Northern California.)

Does the real board allow accent marks? I never thought about it before.

The CBS one was the best for not only not having "Morning in America" rip-off images but using the gained time to actually provide helpful information about the schedule.

What was the last scripted first-run syndicated show that had any level of genuine popularity? Maybe Xena: Warrior Princess?

And Patricia Heaton has had one after Back to You.

"Multi-camera project" is kind of anachronistic for 2000; they were just called "sitcoms" then.

I do think the three women should be roughly the same age. I guess Oprah by herself is kind of ageless-looking despite actually being 62, but beside two significantly younger women the age difference will probably be noticeable.

They actually starred in a movie together (poorly reviewed, and I assume justifiably so - maybe it would have been better with Murray and Ladd).

I don't think you should cheer the death of anyone you wouldn't be willing to personally kill. And it makes me really uncomfortable to see people wish a political opponent in hell (although I assume most of those people don't really believe in a literal hell - most people who do are on the same political side as

A pointless article -

I'm sure you are a nice guy, Alex McCown-Levy, and I know you don't write your own headlines, but it was no surprise to re-check the byline and see that this was not a Will article.

Sorry, because I didn't mean for this to become a controversy, but no, you misread/misremembered. It happens to the best of us!

Lewis Carroll. C.S. Lewis's books don't really have many made-up words (at least not in the Narnia books - there are a few in the Space Trilogy).

There was definitely a lack of coverage of some of her previous controversies (not that they all necessarily deserved to be covered, but I feel they more likely would have been covered if they had involved someone else).

Oh, I know that explanation (and have used it myself in the past) - but I don't just mean the passage of time. It seems as if the 2000s ran into the 2010s without much change. You had a new president, some new celebrities, some new styles or fads, but it never seemed like the sharp break that some twentieth-century

Does she have a Facebook page? Whatever one thinks of Facebook as a thing, Zuckerberg as a person, etc., it is perfectly suited for this purpose.

I just realized that the 2010s are almost two thirds over. How did that happen?

That is correct. He was missing and in reality had committed suicide already, but was falsely accused of having gone into hiding to plan the crime. His body was found later on.