Longtime Lurker

Frozen has made this sadly obsolete:

They seem to have been around longer than their competitors (and are less dependent on online classes), and I also thought they were a bit classier. Apparently not!

Barbara Walters comes to mind as a natural brunette who went blonde at about the same time she probably went gray in reality. I think Hillary may also be a natural brunette (I have only seen a few old pictures), but I have no idea about Warren.

I never heard that one before.

I apparently like biology, Australian Rules Football, Cracked.com, terrestrial television (yet also virtual channel [sic - not plural]), and waste collector [sic again - not waste collecting, or even waste collectors plural, but some single solitary waste collector out there].

She is a woman.

I think at some point the pre-Disqus A.V. Club-only accounts lost the ability to upload avatars (or at least I can't figure out how to do it).

And was probably used by Kushner quite a bit:

Last I heard they were still happily (?) married. It was her nephew she supposedly beat up, not her husband.

I skimmed right over that improbable claim (as I guess you also did the first time). I would be very surprised if it is accurate (unless the plot is being entirely re-imagined/butchered).

The part where she seems to really think that the slur in question (which is obviously derived from the word "Chinese") is an onomatopoeia for a camera flash is truly incredible.

Billy Joe Royal had some late-career country hits that I liked.

Asexuals have actually been a self-conscious group for a long time - their Internet presence predates modern social media by several years.

No. In the original story their interaction was very brief. (I am not sure if they ever even have any direct dialogue with each other- I would have to look it up to refresh my memory.) He respects her intellect but has no romantic or sexual feelings toward her.

I would say that Fenway is actually about half organ and half recorded. Even the recorded music played has variety, though.

Apologies to pet lovers and Francis fans both, but the whole thing never happened:

I guess I overestimated myself when I claimed I only watch track every four years - apparently I watch it even more rarely than that! If I had seen this 2008 event, I definitely would have found it just as surprising.

They do always run like that, don't they? I feel dumb now. But I still would have thought that the chest would have to be vertical - that a sudden switch to horizontal would not be allowed (and actually I was kind of thinking the opposite of what the Col. suggests - that Felix had her "entire [body]" over the line

I once knew someone who babysat for Timothy Hutton and was later pranked by a phone call from a friend claiming to be Hutton's secretary and demanding to know "if you were the one who caused the head on Mr. Hutton's Oscar fell off." I usually am not a fan of practical jokes, but this one worked for me. (It helps to