Longtime Lurker

OK, I may be a typical American dilettante who only watches track every four years (and the Boston Marathon), but I guess I thought that the winner was determined by whose feet crossed the line first and the breaking of the tape was just for show. They do call it a "footrace," right? I saw someone try to compare it

This had a disappointing absence of rebuses.

My favorite claims that a think tank based in Baltimore has a "remarkable record of predicting current events" (or words along those lines) - illustrated with a photo of the Santos vs. Vinick electoral college map from the last season of the The West Wing.

Believe it or not, a big clue for David was that the Unabomber used the (more logical) wording "You can't eat your cake and have it too" in his manifesto, and apparently Ted had always used to say it that way as well.

Yet there are also literary novels about real people. I don't know how I feel about that. When they just make a cameo in a novel mostly about other (fictional) people, that seems not so bad, but when they become the main characters themselves, it can sometimes go too far. (And of course there are also "based on a

Sorry - replied to wrong person.

I guess maybe non-graphic cozy mysteries along the lines of Murder, She Wrote or Matlock? That would still be pretty naive, though.

Actually, I think triple parentheses applied to your own name means you either are Jewish yourself and are basically saying "Come and get me, creeps!" or you want to show solidarity with the Jews. Triple parentheses around the names of other (Jewish) people means you hate the Jews.

McKinnon and Jones had pretty much no film (or even non-sketch TV) career before this movie.

They will probably have to recast the main role in Book 4 (not to mention the main characters from Books 1 and 2 who return for cameos in Book 5 and Book 7), so I think it will hover somewhere between continuation and reboot. (I suspect that Neeson and Swinton will likely not return even though they could - both Aslan

I think print copies did sometimes find their way out there beyond the official cities. They used to mail an unsolicited (but appreciated) copy to my college newspaper. (That was where I first heard of the A.V. Club - hey, they have non-joke reviews and articles in the back!)

I think Keith actually got to the bottom of the box. But surely there must be another box out there waiting to be found.

What do they call that? You know, they have one hit, a one-hit wonder?

"Does Wal-Mart still have CDs?" would be a better question.

Has he since been divorced? I am sure that no one will be surprised that the answer is yes.

Get Your Facts Straight, Internet!

I think the majority of truly all-male (as opposed to mostly male or non-Bechdel-test-passing) movies are military movies. It is harder to find a realistic all-female milieu (unless you have a very small cast).

I can still sing the theme for the Nickelodeon cartoon (about which I remember nothing else). The last line of "Perhaps one day he'll come your way" seems appropriate for the highly delayed path that this took to a U.S. release.

I know the controversy to which you refer, but no, this was a second-generation rip-off with a very generic plot and (I assume) bad animation (and check out the template at the bottom, which confirms that most of their productions were similar to the Disney canon).