Longtime Lurker

I can't be the only person who clicked on this with absolutely no idea what it would be about. (But I guess that means it worked as "clickbait" in the purest sense of the term.)

From the old interview (I actually remembered this already, but thanks to DiClaudio for linking to it and making the exact quote easy to find):

It has never quite been made clear to me whether Clinton's server was really any less safe than the authorized government servers (which foreign governments have also tried to hack into). But it does seem pretty clear that she lied quite a bit about why she had the server, whether she received classified information,

Obama got a Nebraska vote in 2008.

I always found it humorous when I was kid reading my father's Time and a big in-depth profile piece (of the kind, I later learned, that Roger Ebert critiqued in his mini-feud with Richard Corliss) was published in connection with a movie that turned out to be a flop. This article had the same bad luck, but it is

It is too bad that the original illustrations are gone from the current printings. I like Blake's work well enough, but there was no need to go back and redo every book in his style.

It's not the action that annoys - it's the way in which some people (not your friends, I assume, but others) say it.

Modern cord cutters are a different breed. They don't mean "I hate the idiot box" - they mean "I love TV even more than you, but I get it from the streaming services." Equally obnoxious, but in a different way.

I think it took him a while to achieve celebrity status, though. The adjustment in the stars was relatively recent (2012) after all:

Was Neil deGrasse Tyson already around in the days of Titanic, or was he bothering Cameron with complaints about the star pattern years after it came out? The latter seems obnoxious even for him.

I don't care if someone doesn't like sports (my own interest has waned considerably since I was boy), and I don't even care if such people want to obnoxiously broadcast their indifference, but I can't for the life of me figure out why "sportsball" is supposed to be funny.

And the sponsor of the Bausch and Lomb Award.

Also, despite what a million impersonators think, Nixon really said "I'm not a crook." (I guess "I am" sounds more dramatic, plus it fits with the idea of Nixon as formal and stiff - not only did he walk on the beach in a suit, maybe he didn't even use contractions! But it is technically wrong.)

I can't figure out to make the loops stop! I eventually did find the mute button, and I can always just close the page, which I will now do.

I mostly agree, but I wonder if someone who is already a so-called star at sixteen will ever feel the need to hone his or her craft.

Is this the Dave Weigel?

The Winner's Circles (especially the first one) struck me as too easy.

I think the original version was actually helped by the occasional need for euphemism or self-censorship. It sometimes led to more clever answers.

Papa Gino's lives. In fact, I wasn't aware that it was considered to be in any trouble.

Most of the disputed information seems to have been successfully purged from the current version of the article.