Longtime Lurker

Complicating the issue is that "Sambo" was an actual nineteenth-century racist term for a black man long before the book. Otherwise you are correct.

Although von Neumann was also Jewish!

I am inclined to disagree - Vegas is too cliched (maybe less so in 1964, I admit). I think it is funnier if Dallas is his idea of the big time. But the change was inevitable under the circumstances.

Probably someone has already done this in one of the 1,326 previous comments I am certainly not going to bother reading, but just in case, I cannot allow "whomever" in subject position to stand without comment.

Actually, C-SPAN does not have "adverts" either.

But "burn" was always also a noun. Fail as a noun is new.

That single-handedly redeems the whole idea of adult Halloween.

I always assumed Baskerville the font was named as a homage to the book. I never knew there was a real guy.

So you can confirm that Steinfink is a real person? Between his odd name and Miranda's repeated crediting of Chernow and Chernow alone as his inspiration, I did wonder if the whole thing was a hoax.

This contradicts established canon.

Has Francis really weighed on marijuana? (Not being a pot smoker myself, I don't care if he did, but I wondered if you were referring to a real incident.)

I like a good parody as much as the next guy, but I don't understand the appeal of this at all. I think I would prefer to watch the earnest original if I had to choose, but preferably neither.

I think requiring half a second of math was supposed to make the clue slightly more difficult.

It could be worse.

I was at least pleasantly surprised that they fit in five segments. I thought for sure they would find a way to stretch out two or three over an hour.

The high-ranking people seem logical for once. No 20-year-olds from a currently airing show that I never heard of before.

Watch out for the Catholics! (And Boss Tweed.)

I also expected that there would be an immediate double take or interjection, and after that did not happen, I assumed there would be a follow-up comment later, but it never came.

I haven't thought of Pop Pilgrims in a long time. Some features just fade away without fanfare.

You heard it here first - she will be changed into the mother (who will still be alive).