Longtime Lurker

Almost none of that is in the book.

I just realized that this the tenth anniversary of the day that the wedding of Pam and Roy was supposed to take place. I feel very old now.

I think anyone would contrasted with Mark.

I learned recently that Shotgun Red lives on and has a show on one of the triple-digit channels.

I also watched it twice, am not sure what the joke is, and cannot be bothered to watch it again.

I guess I just wonder if the Jeopardy! rules already cover this situation. We know that an extra "the" on a book or movie title has long been allowed, which actually seems less defensible than this. The category name is a real problem, though.

Only three?

The top Google question for each state that was here last week had "Who won Survivor?" for Maine, so maybe they do have more than their share of Survivor fans. (Although if they are watching, shouldn't they already know who won?)

Face is correct - Vernon and De Courcy are not brothers, as shown by:

Unfortunately he really had only a handful of scenes, so his Oscar chances would be an uphill struggle even if this were a better-known movie, but he was outstanding.

Like most American newspaper columnists, those for the Times generally stake out their territory in the land of respectable (and usually boring) centrism. I don't think committed conservatives would accept any of their columnists as fellow conservatives except maybe Douthat.

Does your school have a June graduation?

I think the medieval part was supposed to be a "Do not write baseball or football!" directive, but it confused as much as it helped. My first thought was (correctly) of the Harvard-Yale Regatta, but I couldn't shake the fear that they wanted a more specifically medieval sport such as archery.

I have seen this article linked to many times (including by the same blogger on two occasions a year apart - he failed to recognize it as a rerun):

Megan's speech patterns and general mannerisms during her story were very similar to those of someone I knew in graduate school. (Not relevant to any reader here, but I had to get off my chest somewhere.)

In context it was clearly meant to be self-deprecating. Most of these comments seem worse in cold print than in the original oral delivery.

I think his comment at the time "I just want Greg and Elliott to be happy." Clearly he was not overly pleased with it but did not want to be the heavy toward his former colleagues. And then they all got back together for real, so who knows what the behind-the-scenes story was.

Fair enough.

Yes, but there is a tone in this article of "How dare he not do an AMA? How dare he abandon his Instagram account? How dare he take so long to adopt the 'best practice' of live tweeting?" I am not offended by it - Colbert is a big boy and can take care of himself - but it is a very different world than those of us