Longtime Lurker

I enjoy how the Time cover includes The 1900 House as a peer of those better-known shows. I guess they needed an even number.

No, no - Paula Cale. Originally Paula Korologos - taking her husband's name was an ill-timed career move for obvious reasons (see your comment).

I am not sure I follow this. How would the date of your birth affect whether you spend time indoors or outdoors years later? If you just mean the one date of your birthday party and whether you can hold it indoors or outdoors, that hardly seems likely to have much cumulative effect.

I think Cameron had the right idea when he said (paraphrased from memory) "If anyone on set had noticed that the door was too big, we would have re-shot the scene with a smaller one." It is not really a genuine plot hole.

Someone on another board scoffed at the idea that any contestant would be dumb enough to say that word on the air. I think he/she was mostly right, but when the book was about race relations (and the title was obviously meant to be an allusion to the entire rhyme), it was risky. And the one guess was actually the

Is this actually a tournament? I think usually Celebrity Jeopardy is just five one-and-done games.

On Thursdays!

If I recall correctly, the title began as a semi-disparaging remark (possibly by Mike Love?) that Brian's intricate arrangements and use of outside musicians were his "pet sounds" in the sense of "pet project." Then it became a pun when the actual dog noises were added to the final track. But why they are posing

I never got that before. It seems obvious now. I think I might have been a bit too unhip to be familiar with Kennedy the VJ at the time.

I think more people realize that now due to Mad Men, but still not as many as should.

I thought the DRC was an unlikely answer due to the existence of the other Congo. FJ is the last place that they want someone to possibly give an ambiguous response. But I never thought of Algeria until after the 30 seconds ran out - once I did, I knew it was right.

Oh, OK - but it was off the air for a full three years, right? If it was announced in 2003, why the further delay?

I think it was a few years.

He causes problems everywhere he goes, doesn't he?

I admit that I am a man and that men are not subject to these pressures as strongly as women are, but I can't be the only person here who never even heard the term "thigh gap" before, can I?

I remember suicide/euthanasia, but not abortion.

Apparently the movie version of The Shining was originally supposed to star Charles Grodin.

I believe the actual sequel was the Book of Mormon.

You are right - I suppose "Visual Daily Double" would be more correct. "Video" sounds more parallel with the now-defunct (allegedly due to the cost of music rights) Audio Daily Double, although I guess that could have been "Auditory Daily Double."