Longtime Lurker

It might have worked better if Pesto had been under a sincere delusion that his story was true. Then it would have been like a small-scale version of "Lisa the Iconoclast." But when he just made it up as an outright lie - I don't get it.

I think the Crosby accusations are still somewhat remembered (if only because they were so in contrast with his genial image). I mentioned Bing in passing in a college class and a student (born in the mid-1980s at the earliest) startled me by volunteering the information to the class that "he hit his children with a

Bette Davis's daughter also wrote a nasty book about her, but you never hear it mentioned anymore. Maybe the accusations seemed less plausible (Wikipedia says that no one corroborated them, whereas several people did back up parts of the Crawford book), or maybe it is forgotten simply because there was never a movie.

I am not particularly a fan of Adele and neither know nor care to know anything about her personal life, but that attempt to link each of the musicians with a specific issue produced a misleading impression (especially since the original article was from two months before Trump's abortion remarks).

Oh, yes, they clearly hate each other; I just have skepticism as to whether she seriously believes he is a voodoo murderer. The author later wrote a Talking Heads biography that was mostly panned.

From what I remember of that article, Weymouth seemed eccentric at best and outright nuts at worst, but the writer seemed pretty obnoxious himself. I don't know if I would assume that line of thought was serious unless she has said it on other occasions.

They would be the most commercially successful artists from that group for sure.

A lot of punk bands actually did cover those older songs, though.

As fun as it is to mock the celebrities who do poorly, is it really even easier than Kids Week?

Early 1980s country was basically pop with a very mild country tinge (although it could be good pop - who doesn't like Kenny Rogers?). Later 1980s country was "the New Traditionalists" in reaction to that - and a lot of that carried over to the early 1990s, which seems to be the era to which Future ex-Mrs. Malcolm is

The name was borrowed from reality.

I always liked Paul Shaffer.

I always got the reference (he said modestly), but that is a movie that seems to be not very well-remembered anymore.

Hmm - not sure I was thinking there. But from your next comment it seems we actually kind of agree! (Except you do so in more colorful language.)

Do they still have the Thames logo (or ident as the British call it)? Duh-DUH-duh-duh!

Most of the recent presidents seem to have had happy marriages, and in some cases a movie about the long-term arc of their relationship might be interesting, but about the first date? There is no way this movie will be any good.

I wish you hadn't made me look up that acronym.

Glad to know I wasn't the only one who thought that.

Psst - I don't think you understood the original comment.

You forgot insurance companies.