Longtime Lurker

And the New York Baseball Giants! (They were really the principal occupants - I don't know if polo was ever actually played there. Maybe it was named after an older stadium on the same site that had actually been used for polo? That sounds vaguely right.)

For a moment I misread that as "Jack Hanna."

With slight position changes (and loss of clothes of Kiefer's part) we could re-caption that still "The Creation of Adam."

I like that this show has heart and is not Family Guy, but I think it may be going to the sentimental well a bit too often. I can forgive an enormous waste of money in the service of a good plot (as in "The Unnatural," which is possibly the wall-to-wall funniest episode, or even in the Valentine's episode a few weeks

The latter is odd - the clip is so quick it seems almost like a subliminal message.

You can also enjoy this picture of the cast (minus Shatner, surprisingly) in 1970s hairstyles and clothing at the official dedication:

I believe it was always supposed to be a prototype that would be unable to fly in space - or maybe it could have been converted to space-readyness, but only at an exorbitant cost and it was cheaper to just build new ones? Wikipedia claims the latter and cites a seemingly reliable source, but I am pretty sure I have

Richard Hatch is almost a quasi-co-creator of the American Survivor by introducing the ideas of alliances and strategic voting and trickery, most of which things were not part of the expected plan. I guess that, if your description is correct, the French version shows how the road not taken would have turned out.

I think Rachel Maddow started that (and on purpose).

One correction: Souter seemed like a conservative for about a year or two after his appointment. His apostasy/conversion (depending on your point of view) really only came with the Casey case in 1992.

I know it is crazy to reply to a days-old Jeopardy! thread, and I don't want to give the false impression that I spend my free time brooding about past episodes, but it suddenly struck me - I wonder if Alex feared that "U" would be interpreted American-style as short for "University." That would be a legitimate

I hope he washes his hair more often than every two weeks.

I wonder if there may have been a pre-show consultation in which that addition was authorized. I think "U" is not at all a well-known term in America except among linguists or dorks like me who just know these kinds of things, so the addendum could hardly could have made the clue harder.

Closer to (although still not the same as) MVP voting. Maybe some European countries do real voting this way?

My emotional roller coaster (terminology slightly hyperbolic) during that category:

Thanks for your impressive research, but I guess I just imagined this or saw an early preview for the current series.

Maybe the montage should consist entirely of death scenes! Most actors have probably died on screen at some point or other, although rarely as memorably as Moe.

Joan Rivers had even less of a movie career - I wouldn't consider her omission last year to be a snub at all. Vigoda is borderline.

Was there already a show with a similar premise a couple years ago? Or did preview ads for this first run back in the fall? Or am I just crazy?

Donald Sutherland is probably the best-known living actor to have never even been nominated.