Longtime Lurker

The abrupt "This is for my father" postscript actually made me laugh out loud.

He should have brought Clint Eastwood for his translator as he did when he got his honorary Oscar.

I believe he also wrote the first "The Simpsons is actually the most intelligent show on TV and maybe of all time" article that I ever read - this was still in the "Underachiever and proud of it" pseudo-controversy days.

I was just thinking that they did a pretty good job this year, but yes, they always leave out someone.

From your lips to God's ears.

Stallone, Bill Murray, Eddie Murphy, Lauren Bacall twenty years ago - these inevitable quasi-lifetime-achievement Oscars have a strong tendency to not actually happen.

In fairness, it does sound like a fake title.

Why isn't The 100-Year-Old-Man Who Jumped out the Window and Disappeared nominated in every category? That must be the greatest high-concept title since The Englishman Who Went up a Hill and Came down a Mountain.

The chosen picture at the top of this article is not the best. They dug up her one unflattering photo, apparently.

Evangelicals these days seem to have a pretty relaxed attitude about that in practice.

The trend in recent years is to view native spellings of place names as more authentic and use of them as proof of your cultural sensitivity. Remember the "Torino" Olympics?

My father told us it was terrible and he was right. He liked The Wonder Years, he even liked things such as Perfect Strangers and Home Improvement that would probably not hold up today, but he knew this was the worst of the worst. I wish I could get those hours back.

I was going to post the same thing - I can think of almost nothing on Earth I have less desire to do than watch this show, but I have to defend their math. 2016 - 1987 = 29. Where is the problem?

It might be considered offensive from either side if linked with a joke category (and indirectly with the word "turd").

If you are a Baby Boomer (or older), a Generation Xer, or even an early Millennial, and you wonder to yourself, "Why did I never use to hear this expression as much I do now?" - it turns out it was almost completely unknown until the year 2000! The posters are real but had very limited actual use.

She (by which I mean an actress portraying her) appeared on Downton Abbey.

On the other hand, he had Tina Fey on a couple months ago and basically told her to her face that the movie she had selected (a lesser-known Tracy/Hepburn set at a TV network) was no good.

I think the dad on the The Middle also qualifies.

"You think wedding vows are going to change everything? God, your naivete is astounding! Didn't you see The Graduate?"