Longtime Lurker

Who knows what the writers were thinking (insert obligatory manatee joke), but for me the Family Guy bit is much funnier than it would be with any other actor, precisely because it calls up memories of the orange juice ad.

I don't much care for that song either, but I don't know if that line is really supposed to refer to a roofie. (Did they even exist in the 1940s?) I think the woman is trying to change the subject by asking about the actual content of the drink (and to rhyme with think, since this is a pop song and not an actual

I kept waiting for Marah to make that connection, but she never did. (And if Wikipedia is correct, Donahue actually was from Cleveland proper.)

I think Carter is actually right that the Beatles have milked their legacy less than some other bands. There have been a lot more Rolling Stones greatest hits packages, for example. (Granted, they lasted a lot longer and thus had a greater need for Volume 2, Volume 3, etc.)

I also am not really a fan, but I was glad that Rabin acknowledged that the backlash was a bit over-the-top rather than simply joining in and piling on (as I feared from the headline that he might do).

For the second time this week (Statuary Hall on Monday and now Ballplayers in Uniform), an intriguing category became a one-clue-selected category. (Since they failed to identify a clear picture of Ty Cobb bonusly described as both a Tiger and a Peach, it would quite possibly have been Triple Stumpers all the way

My knowledge of the Broderick car accident is rather vague - am I interpreting you correctly that Broderick was supposedly engaging in some sort of sex act (I assume not full-fledged intercourse) at the time of the crash? I never heard that claim before.

I never thought that The Polar Express the book was that great either.

How did it take you that many times?

I thought the three were Clooney, Eastwood, and Affleck. Although Allen has had a bit of a resurgence lately, he never crossed my mind.

In fairness to them (and to me, since I said Affleck although I considered Clooney), it was nominations, not winners. Over an eight-year period and four categories, that is 160 names to remember (more, actually, since we expanded from five to ten Best Picture nominees at some point during that time).

Since the 1990s the show has changed significantly every few years. If you chance to flip by a modern episode, it is very different from one from thirty years ago (or from twenty years ago or ten years ago - and each is very different from each other). An entirely new set is a pretty drastic change, though.

She might not have realized how bad it sounded until she heard herself on camera, and it is obviously too late to go back and fix it now. (A tic can sound worse on TV than it does in daily life.)

His father ran for Congress from Kentucky. I don't know about an uncle.

There is actually a scene in My Favorite Wife in which Irene Dunne switches from her usual mid-Atlantic accent (similar to those described above) to recite a doggerel poem in her original Kentucky accent (much to the confusion of her children - although in fairness they do not know she is their mother and think their

I am curious to know the source of your Derek Jacobi hatred. (If it has to do with his Oxfordianism, that is enough for me.)

Alternate joke: Star Wars Week has gone and passed - you're the biggest fool at last.

On the seventh day God rested. On the eighth day it was a new week.

I like your suggestion of Michelle Pfeiffer the more I think about it.

I think Meryl Streep would work. Her tendency to seem just a little too actor-y would actually fit the character.