Longtime Lurker

There was also a 30 Rock parody that was pretty funny.

There was also a modernized version c. 12-15 years ago with Alfred Molina. They eliminated outdated servant positions and brought in new ones like a personal trainer. The new group did not add up to twelve, though.

Those are good arguments in theory, but I think in practice it is pretty much impossible to imagine a version of these movies in which Vader is not Luke's father. It barely even counts as a twist anymore.

I assume that is some kind of Wicked allusion.

For me, the answer is "None" (or was until last night).

Only two years? It seems like forever now. I guess a guy can get used to anything after a while (except the floating box).

Tina even though I share a birthday with Amy.

I don't think anyone in the world would have dared to imagine that Magic Johnson would still be alive in 2015.

You never know. I would enjoy it if Brendan or Catherine pulled off an upset, but then again Alex and Matt are clearly great players and deserve to be the finals, and I like both of them also.

I don't know - you probably could get away with "Queen Elizabeth" for the current British monarch (if the clue was clearly about modern times) even though the original Elizabeth is much more famous than any of the previous fifteen Benedicts. It is a bit of a gray area.

OK. Thank you. Apparently our writer was wrong to consider this information hard to find.

I knew most of that already, but not that they returned for Season Nine. So that does that mean that this was the fourth Season Nine episode that they produced? It is still not fully clear to me.

"On a commentary track notable for its long stretches of silence, executive producers Al Jean and Mike Reiss mention that, at the time of this episode, they’d worked on four episodes together. The other three had more sentimentality—they don’t name the other three episodes specifically, and IMDB offers little

The song was real but the associated tradition was made up as far as I know (since the sign was also not real, since this was not actually filmed on the Brown campus).

Does this mean no more Bob's Burgers for over a month? A very strange programming decision. I may DVR and save it for at least the first week of Advent to pointlessly protest/give myself something to look forward to.

This is why we need the Oxford comma.

Yes - no one (that I know of) ever claims that the entire space program was faked. Conspiracists sometimes talk about deadly radiation in the Van Allen belts as the alleged reason why travel to the Moon was not possible.

It honestly gives me chills that just yesterday there was a jocular discussion in the Station Fire thread as to which of various bad events was the "9/11 of metal" (even though this band has a joke name and does not actually play metal).

The first three winners this week were all under 25, if I am not mistaken. Kerry seems a bit older but not by that much.