Longtime Lurker

I know - is this another myth exploded?

I remember it as a contemptuous "Rerun, of course, is from What's Happening."

Obviously a guy can't just snap his fingers and copy the drawing style of an all-time-great illustrator, but I wish these looked a bit more like Scarry's work. (The hippo MBA came the closest. I also laughed at the Venture Capital Fund with the token Sanjay.)

I know how much pressure there is these days for websites (both you and Mental Floss) to create constant new content, and I sympathize with the struggle, but did anyone notice that these photos were first uploaded in 2005? I distinctly remember this story making the Internet rounds once or twice before.

First "reboot" expanded in meaning to include "remake," and now it is apparently beginning to swallow "revamp" (or the wordier "new direction") as well.

Was this a deleted scene from Dead Poets Society?

I think he was just trying to build on the joke as commenters here often do (taking "late" to refer to a late period, I guess).

Is this Internet approved by the American Dental Association?

They could have resolved that by having Kevin actually not home at the time (since he did go out on occasion), but it was probably better to have a token nod to a realistic solution but not to explore it too deeply.

According to my mother, Little Lurker used to run from the kitchen to the living room in imitation of Perry's running entrance: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

I think he dressed up in a different set of costumes once before, probably over a decade ago. But it was a shame that this time it was wasted on such a lousy game.

Actually, Carson, Paul, and Oz all have M.D.s, and Phil (despite persistent but apparently false rumors to the contrary) has a Ph.D. in psychology.

Was Djibouti a land of contrasts?

I think we agree.

In fairness to her - do these overturned rulings always come from a complaint by the contestant? I think sometimes, perhaps even more often than not, the judges make the change on their own initiative. I remember once reading on another board an inside account of an FJ ruling that took more than ten minutes to

I have a vivid memory of Linus running around yelling "Fire in the château!" - so I guess there was a fire in a château? I did not remember that the adults talked (maybe it was considered necessary to advance the plot?) and had no idea that it had ever been released theatrically.

I think he probably became the WB mascot precisely because he had less of a history. It would bring a lot more preconceived baggage to have Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck as your mascot.

Actually, if you read the quotation carefully, Cameron is the one being called not conservative enough by the British equivalents of the Tea Party, and Moore is calling those people traitors. Moore is standing for the squishy moderates and against the real right-wingers, not vice versa.

The funny thing is that she had the right year. Did she somehow misread the clue?