Longtime Lurker

His film was pretty terrible, but he was ahead of his time in saying that he preferred watching movies in his living room to seeing them in the movie theater.

I found it contrary to stereotype that Alex expected an NPR producer to have a large anti-liberal vocabulary. (Also, a true right-winger would have offered up my guess of "pinko.")

I guess he was headed for trouble no matter what.

I think that actually you do not have to do much studying at all at this stage. The in-person test is very similar to the online test and (from what I understand) is mainly given in order to weed out anyone who might somehow have cheated on the online version. If you passed the online test, you will likely pass the

I think that the underlying idea is really just that a Indian graveyard would be a) Full of dead bodies, b) Older than any white graveyard and therefore more mysterious, and c) Likely to be disturbed or built over by callous whites (unlike the many documented cases of white burials being carefully reinterred elsewhere

Apparently the premise is actually an arranged marriage between a Montague (our old friend Benvolio) and a Capulet (supposedly the previously-mentioned-but-unseen character Rosaline, although it makes no sense for her to be a Capulet).

Maybe this is male bias on my part, but I think Transformers had at least kind of lingered in the cultural memory. (And a better female equivalent would be My Little Pony, which has also made a successful comeback.)

It was alluded to on Jeopardy! tonight. (A category about Gems and one about Holograms.)

Todd vdW always spoke positively of Beaver (and IIRC so did Murray and Handlen and others of the old guard).

This is one of those movies that I remember seeing advertised endlessly but never actually saw either in the theater or on TV. I also remember a non-Disney animated Pinocchio. Oh, and somehow Dirty Rotten Scoundrels was able to worm its way into the ads for the mostly child-oriented shows that I watched.

Was he actually drawn to look a different person or not? I don't really remember what the non-Boo-Boo members looked like before.

Any allergies? How was prom?

And yet, this episode had both a message about loving your family and a holiday song!

Hens love roosters, geese love ganders; now let's watch a Boyz 4 Now video!

Two "Not that one" links go to Elementary - was one supposed to go to an old review of the Downey movies? Or maybe there was yet another recent adaptation that I missed. Unfortunately the Brett series is too old to ever have been mentioned on this site. Can I nominate it for A Very Special Episode?

I remember the smirk Bill Maher (ABC version) used to make when he introduced someone as being "on another network."

He was a pre-existing character, though.

All open-air parks still have a roof over the stands, though. I don't think he necessarily thought it was a dome. Any answer is better than a blank - and it did open in 1962!

It is kind of strange after all that media buildup, though.

I clicked under the same misapprehension as you and then even spent the whole first paragraph thinking that some intern had put up the wrong photo. Finally I looked at it more closely.