Longtime Lurker

Even though Victor joined the honor roll of players who made it
semi-competitive for a while, I have come to believe that it is almost
guaranteed that Matt will pass Julia Collins. After that, Ken Jennings and his 74 are a long way away, and I do not think that record will ever be broken. But
20 is very much within

They have been known to do things like that before (E.g., all movie titles ending with a category about the director, or all song/album titles ending with a category about the band. I seem to recall a board once of all Dr. Seuss book titles.)

The cover I remember was completely different. Yours does seem very much targeted toward pre-teen girls.

The Encyclopedia Brown stories were not exactly novellas, but each story was closer to 8-10 pages in length than just 1-2. There was room for at least some modest plot/character development. Maybe you are thinking of Sobol's earlier series "Minute Mysteries?"

I think diagnosis by TV is a pretty unreliable thing.

It was - by the scientists of Laputa.

I think that was a myth based on the mention of a Miami team (mis-predicted as being an American League team) in this aforementioned 2015 World Series.

I don't know if "choice" is really the right word, since their philosophy appears to be "Why not both?"

I could only take so much of Eichner before I bailed on that clip, but Fey never mentioned Horatio Sanz, did she? Oops!

Maybe there are other fan boards out there, but if you mean jboard.tv, the posters who claimed this seemed to be out-of-the-woodwork first-time posters. The regulars politely but firmly shouted it down. (People on that board can get obsessive about odd things, but not this time.)

I wondered if that kept The Cure out when they were nominated a few years ago.

And also there was already a pre-existing Country Music Hall of Fame.

This deserves a "Thank you" instead of just a like.

Yes - in the U.S. a "Christmas special" is expected to be about Christmas. In fact, these days (not always true in the past) programming on Christmas itself mostly consists of reruns, not special event programming at all. (And no one cares what song is Number One Christmas week either.)

I think the best description is "Northeastern seaside town, indicated by an onscreen map in one episode and several offscreen comments by Loren Bouchard to be on the Jersey Shore, but not really tied specifically to the culture of that area."

The middle guy (already forgot his name) deserves credit for knowing of the friendship of Houdini and Conan Doyle - I assume that was his desperate reasoning, since it was mine as well. I know of the book Steppenwolf without having the slightest idea what it is about - is it really about a werewolf, or just a

Probably someone else has already said this, but whatever happened to the word "remake?" Didn't "reboot" use to imply going back to the start of a multi-part series? There was no Flatliners 2, was there?

True for only three of the forty years this show has been on the air! The Saturday Night Live era and the non-Italian Popes era have been roughly coterminous.

I think in most of these cases people either get the allusion (at least in general terms) or have never heard the slogan. The middle case of "I use the expression all the time but have no idea where it comes from" must be pretty rare.

That was Graham Greene.