Longtime Lurker

Golding was Catholic? Google turns up inconclusive results.

I think the hint was supposed to be the word "fireside," although that is a bit of a trick since I doubt if Mrs. Roosevelt was intentionally referring to the fireside chats - if she was she was kind of insulting those who listened intently to her husband.

I know that this is some kind of troll/spambot, but is that how we judge comedy now? By how many people are insulted?

I was disappointed that Alex failed to say "Excellent" in a Mr. Burns voice in a first-round clue. The writers seemed to almost structure the clue in the hope that he would. (Probably someone would have gotten it if he had.) I have never seen any evidence that he was a Simpsons fan, though.

Modern pop music is definitely a category that should be studied. (If you cannot bear to listen to it, just read Wikipedia entries.)

It's a joke, son.

No one ever mentions in this context that the most successful talk show host of all time (surpassing even Carson, in my opinion) is a black woman. I of course don't mean, "Hey, we had Oprah, we never need another female talk show host again" - more like the opposite - it proves that the American people have nothing

Dark joke.

I see the ads for Dr. Ken and wonder if a show can be cancelled during the first episode. Can they just say, "Eh, why bother to come back from commercial?" (Yes, I am familiar with Turn-On - thanks to Brooks and Marsh! See previous comment.)

Everyone should also buy a used copy of The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network [and Cable TV] Shows, 1946-Present, by Tim Brooks and Earle Marsh. (Unfortunately, there will likely never be another new edition - it cannot keep up with the era of Peak TV.) I read my mother's early-eighties copy so much that it

All this assumes that Matt is not still playing in November.

Just in case this was serious: It says gum.

My local NBC affiliate still calls the 5 A.M. News "The Sunrise Show." Now I know where that name originated.

At the time, she was universally considered the likable and nice one from her season (like Colleen from the previous one).

I think the latter, since the title (Forgetting Sarah Marshall) has a gerund (edit - I guess actually a participle?) in it.

Denise never appeared in this episode - not even in the background, as far as I could tell. I found that surprising.

He seems to not have a very good sense of police hierarchies. Any cop show is clear that the sergeant in a subordinate position.

That was later, though - 1997 (?)

Remember when Smithers was "Burns-sexual?" I think that much-quoted Troy McClure segment was when he started to shift to being more generally gay. (No, wait - a line about "lifestyle choices" in "Sideshow Bob Roberts" was before that.)
