Longtime Lurker

We don't know yet that it's an accurate time.

Shakespeare and Aristophanes? What are you, a Tennessee knocker?

Is that really true? I thought I read somewhere that they still had the lowest median age viewer of any network, somewhere around 20 years old.

Fair enough - by "acclaimed" I meant "acclaimed enough to be in the Oscar conversation," not just well-reviewed.

Hardcore support for Polanski seems to be limited to the film industry and especially to the older generation of the film industry. (I do not use the metonymy "Hollywood" here because most of his strongest support comes from Europe.) A Google search reveals quite a lot of anti-Polanski (and anti-Allen) articles by

I usually hate "Belieber" and suchlike terms, but "Fanilow" is pretty funny.

It sounds closer to the plot of The Robe than Ben-Hur (which takes place before the Crucifixion).

I think it depends on how close two countries are (whether in terms of actual physical distance or in terms of cultural closeness). I would hope that an educated British or Canadian person would at least have a general idea of the dozen or so most important states and where they are located - especially which side

I assumed that this had to be a joke, but I found sources indicating that it is more or less true. Wikipedia, however, has the much more pedestrian:

I never thought about wriggle before - I guess I thought it was pronounced like "write," "wreck," "wrench," etc. I knew "wiggle" has a similar meaning, but I never thought of them as being actually the same word.

That was kind of my point. :)

Many nobles are really no longer that wealthy and have had to sell their estates (or still live in them but have turned them into museums to pay the bills). Many others are still millionaires or even billionaires, of course.

I am glad to see that there is still one copy editor alive who insists on "e-mail" as the correct form.

In many states independents can vote in whichever primary they chose. There are actually several states in which independents are the largest group of registered voters (although most of these people are de facto Republicans or Democrats in reality). There are several other states in which there are completely open

Some day I have to actually listen to this band.

Camp out on Ocean Avenue (location inexact but apparently in New Jersey) for a few months.

I don't remember this particular story, but I remember so many like it that I do not consider this a big deal.

I am going to assume that this is a "Bats aren't bugs!" allusion whether it is meant as such or not.

Every time a child says "I don't believe in angels," there is an angel somewhere that falls down dead.

It always bothered me that at no point does anyone on either side acknowledge the impossibility of a dead angel in traditional Christian (or for that matter Jewish, Muslim, or Zoroastrian) belief.