Longtime Lurker

I think non-fans (of which I am one) often forget that adult wrestling fans are no longer the kids who loudly insisted on the playground that wrestling was real. (Maybe today even child fans are more sophisticated, but that was not the case in the 1980s.)

There has been Ty Cobb revisionism lately - whether accurate or not, I don't know.

Not that unbelievable, since it was deliberately done to one-up the U.S. for propaganda purposes. Tereshkova only flew once, and several other recruited female cosmonauts never flew at all. However, Svetlana Savitskaya, the first genuine full-time female cosmonaut, did beat Sally Ride into space by one year in 1982.

There is a regular review elsewhere on the site. The For Our Consideration articles are generally a pretty mixed bag at best.

There have been several books on this subject already, unless you are only counting fictional depictions.

"Love You To."

Why would anyone think this song would be better with a chorus?

The headline certainly led me to expect a more serious error. I guess the tone of the piece was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek.

People knowing the phrase "jump the shark" without knowing the origin = I am old. (Not old enough to have actually seen this episode, but when the Jump the Shark website was first created, they explained the origins of the phrase in great detail.)

I once wasted some time on Wikipedia looking up what networks the famous shows of the past had aired on, and I discovered that ABC of the 1950s and 60s apparently embraced its third network status the way that Fox of the 1980s and 90s embraced its fourth network status. Most shows of that era that were quirky or

Sorry, the correct answer is "What are you supposed to be, some kind of cosmonaut?"

Oh, I don't really care if they change the titles, but it kind of annoys me to see them do it in such a formulaic way.

P.S. Fifi? I don't know no Fifi!

So I guess we can consider semi-official that will never again be a Disney movie that actually shares the name of the source fairy tale. This adjective does, however, break the previously participial pattern. Also, they are kind of running out of fairy tales anyway.

I guess there have been more rural-set dramas than comedies in the last forty years. Little House on the Prairie on NBC a few years later would be another obvious example. For rural comedies I guess we eventually have Newhart and Evening Shade - both on CBS.

Something (not related to spinoffs) that I have wondered about before: The Waltons was on CBS, right? How did that get on the network just a year after the rural purge?

Believe it or not, David Koch has been on the board of both WGBH (Boston) and WNET (New York).

Very belated response: I seem to remember reading or hearing somewhere that Fox executives forbade Homer from spanking Bart and that the choking was created as a euphemism or stand-in for that. I can't believe that choking was ever considered better than spanking in the real world, though, so who knows what the truth

I just spent a few minutes researching these theories and 99% percent of it makes me outright angry at the stupidity of the world - I mean, is it really that hard to believe that a person who was locked up in a remote prison for 25 years might be the subject of false death rumors, or that you were not paying perfect