
@avclub-e6ec91cba600ca785d5e02beb0d0c8eb:disqus  I'm really hoping for a Ser Barristan spillage of the beans. "You know SOMETHING, Ser Barristan!"

Ugh, I know, right? They so don't seem to use "it is known" in the correct context! Shits me to tears.

Crypts, I hope. The crypts would be awesome for storytime, if there is any.

Or, Winterfell burns and they wait in the crypts, not sure when it's safe to come out until Meera and Jojen go down and find them there. Not such a big coincidence if one is a greenseer and sees Bran and Rickon laying in the crypts.

@Juan_Carlo:disqus  I originally thought that, but then with Arya listening to all their conversations and stealing the note that Tywin had written about Robb, it kind of seems like she's decided she might be in the perfect position to find out about all their plans and possibly do something before her brother is

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus Do shut up, Sansa. No one likes you yet.

@avclub-89633e845fc2873e5507e5cfff58ffe8:disqus Plus, Roose has that weird sex kink for Fat Walda which is just hilarious and amazingly awesome.

"How did you end up shooting a guy in the head then?"
"I let my emotions get the best of me."
"I don't even remember!"
"I'm wearing a new bra and it fastens in the front and it popped open."
"I was walking and I felt something icky."
"I thought there was gonna be chocolate!"
"I guess when my

Lyla Garrity is filming a crappy Charlie's Angels remake or something.

How cute was it that Drogon let Doreah pick him up? I was like, seriously? I don't remember them being so adorable.

And they also had Loras already not condemning Brienne for the crime, using his apparent 'smarts' to deduce the more 'likely' murder weapon which was… magic.
I really liked how Loras was anti-Brienne until Jaime reasoned with him to come to that way of thinking. 

Osha could take Rickon and Bran could go with Hodor. I prefer to believe that someone else said though, that D & D say they'll be shuffling some characters around but not cutting very many out - so that makes it far more possible that we'll get Reeds in S3.

All valid points, but what reason does a girl from Barrowton have to be this far South? Surely only noble girls go south to court. It seems for sure that Tywin would wonder why the hell someone brought a girl to war with them. Tywin's no chump.

I think we'll get mention of it, but not until Jaime pops up back in King's Landing. It seems like they don't throw much information out there that they want people to remember six episodes down the line, instead they wait for it to have more relevance. I hope they include it eventually.

I dunno, I always read it as Peter because the 'yr' sound seems similar to the 'yr' in 'myrhh' or however you spell that godforsaken Jesus gift.

@avclub-001d507e80c4e4d2ce4ba0a5590f8313:disqus  Waaaaah, you mean Jeor. I almost shat myself from excitement thinking Benjen was known across the Narrow Sea.


@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus  If Bran lives his entire life in that creepy-ass cave with Bloodraven and never returns to Winterfell, I'm… going to be disappointed.

I was SO sad when I realised Bran was having Jojen's greendream. I think this officially means, no fucking Jojen and no fucking Meera. And Osha is Bran's go-to for dream cognition apparently.

I simultaneously wanted to laugh and cry over its peculiar lameness. It was very 'sadistic-sex-slave meets belly dancer.'