
I always loved Teddy Bear Suicide.

@DanielleM I also double-featured those films, and it was very hard to decide which of the two made me feel more uncomfortable.

I read that she does it herself to make herself look more dumpy and frumpy. She tries on clothes for Hannah to wear while wearing spanx and then doesn't wear spanx on the show so everything is ill-fitting.

Chandler's job wasn't ambiguous, I thought it became very clear that he was a transponster.

Same as Jason Segel, who plays himself again, and who was a stoner dropout in the first movie becomes some hyper-healthy spiritual and physical trainer.

Same as Jason Segel, who plays himself again, and who was a stoner dropout in the first movie becomes some hyper-healthy spiritual and physical trainer.

She was strangled by the monsignor in hospital after schoolchildren found her creeping around their playground. Rememberrrrrrr member bo-bember?

Seriously! Those eyes betray such Walter White-ness!

Seriously! Those eyes betray such Walter White-ness!

@avclub-4bc946339e7e2883f301b396e313b8da:disqus Now I get why those people always have such intense smirks on their faces when I go to pick my phone up.

@avclub-4bc946339e7e2883f301b396e313b8da:disqus Now I get why those people always have such intense smirks on their faces when I go to pick my phone up.

AnonymoX, plugin for mozilla resets your ip address whenever you want and lets you spend your life reading Onion articles.

AnonymoX, plugin for mozilla resets your ip address whenever you want and lets you spend your life reading Onion articles.

@avclub-286fc7dfa2d4ca45bfa315abf591138d:disqus Because if Jamie was dead, Dexter might actually have to parent his own child.

@avclub-286fc7dfa2d4ca45bfa315abf591138d:disqus Because if Jamie was dead, Dexter might actually have to parent his own child.

Aaaand, that was where I stopped reading.

Aaaand, that was where I stopped reading.

@avclub-a46f5df0676c360744889be2b9960d67:disqus Because the term did not exist UNTIL there was a Seth Cohen on the O.C. to describe.

@avclub-a46f5df0676c360744889be2b9960d67:disqus Because the term did not exist UNTIL there was a Seth Cohen on the O.C. to describe.

Wasn't that a harry potter reference?