Not a huge fan of the song, but massive props on the formatting of that post, man.
Not a huge fan of the song, but massive props on the formatting of that post, man.
Rickon Stark was undeniably the star of this episode. Someone give that kid a Lannister to pummel.
@avclub-e6990f5a3eb5738fbb28fd8a53506f6f:disqus Say whaaaa bitch? Mama and Papa Baratheon DROWNED? I don't know where I thought they were, but I completely ignored that piece of possibly insignificant information. Where the hell was it?
I don't think it's Storm's End, because I doubt Renly would be outside in a tent if he were at his own castle. While travelling, Cat noted that Renly and his men routinely stopped and stayed for days with any large holdings that would accommodate them with feasts so they could hold tourneys. I imagine it's one of…
@avclub-e0b5b498f16be63117db8605f5ad6262:disqus Martin covers there though, because a lot of characters acknowledge that Rhaenys was like Elia in looks, but Aegon took after his father. It's possible that both Martell and Targaryen traits are recessive.
I actually want Aegon to be the real Aegon, but with the whole…
"I've got a golden ticket…" when he finds out about Tourettes.
And it's impossible to go wrong with an avatar like that. You win.
I'm pretty sure Tom Haverford would've hooked Detlef up with his own shoe brand while he was working for Tom and Jean Ralphio.
WTF. I watched that episode for the FIRST time a couple of days ago and even I forgot that Token and Wendy hooked up. It's 7.14 Raisins. And Butters gets his heart broken too, haha. (Cept it's not funny, cos that bitch deserves to DIE for breaking his lil heart)
Main characters are frequently the most annoying characters on a show which is funny because most of them are reproductions of the writer or creator. Except for New Girl. She's annoying all by herself.
Thing was though, I missed everything that was going on with Cartman and Token because I was too busy trying to listen to what Mr Garrison was saying.
@avclub-60dd44fc5944d2c8eb5bc7b7b9a3a70d:disqus Can't believe I missed it! Although the sex museum was creepy enough, the horrible anti-masturbating machines for little boys? Ergh.
Um, yeah. He barely has any chapters in Book 2, but still, when they came around, I would scream at the book and not feel like reading it for a while. His chapters were like punishment for enjoying the books! I didn't get it! But now he's awesome. And Liam Cunningham is AWESOME.
@avclub-e1b3fa16446b9e167870f5d13062d444:disqus Lol, the name 'Zollo' just makes me think of Yollo and then I think of jousting dwarves.
Sooo basically what I'm saying is… Jaime gets his hand cut off by a jousting dwarf?!?!?!
He also has a big stake in her loss, too. I think he'll have to figure out whether he likes his job, or Ann more.
@avclub-efb3d8be0319721ef751da0b05d9f6a5:disqus I like what you're saying about Joffrey, and also don't think he'd wield that sort of power alone without his KG and in his first sexual situation, but maybe that actually wasn't his first sexual situation then. There's something Tommen aludes to in a Jaime chapter I…
@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus I really don't think 2000 more Northmen around the Twins would've made that much difference towards the RW, when they'd all be drinking and fucking and singing, and half of them would've turned against Robb by then anyway, like the others did. I definitely blame Lysa…
@avclub-42998cf32d552343bc8e460416382dca:disqus Okay, but can you please just tell me WHERE they're both at the same place at the same time, because otherwise it's going to drive me crazy…
Is it off-screen (in the books, obv)?
@avclub-42998cf32d552343bc8e460416382dca:disqus …that's what she said.
If Arya works for Tywin, then who is going to get eaten by his own dogs?