
She was the same whore that was with Pycelle when Tyrion and his men 'interrupted' in the previous episode. Maybe he felt like he owed her a favour… I don't think he's paid his debt yet.

Um, the 'silliest' thing about it is that it was a legit torture method in the creepy as shit Middle Ages. So the image of a rat clawing it's way through my stomach and out the other side because it wants to get away from the fire at the end of the bucket, that's not so silly to me. I was actually creeped out that the

@avclub-cdef27381eb66efd223f0ea7572024b4:disqus People liking the Martells just as much as other families even though there were introduced so late in the game probably comes from the fact that not everyone has been reading the books for twenty years… especially those of us who are in their early twenties… And if you

@wawilson Yeah, I read the books that way. It was pretty awesome. I just preferred the chronology and the way that I didn't have to read a whole fucking book and have no Tyrion or no Arya or whatever. Both books annoyingly left out interesting characters and I don't get why the hell he decided to do it that way, it's

@avclub-ec0ee15712abab09eaacb2e7afafebc9:disqus  Or, Jon is the song (creation) of Lyanna (ice) and Rhaegar (fire). I like how not many believe in magic, and how Maester Luwin introduced the fact that magic was once a powerful force, but is no longer. And how Mel and Thoros' spells never worked previously, so they

polish woman are sexy. polish woman are fancy. polish woman good for the sex.

Now it says wait! Are you guys enjoying messing with my eyes?

I knew it said 'manger', but it took me until the end of the article to actually remember what the hell a manger was.

I don't know man, I don't think liberals attack anyone with different views, I believe they just attack the fucked-up, archaic, society-regressing kind of dumbshit views.

Um, but, do you actually have that picture? Could you please email it to me?

I'm not entirely certain of your point either, but I really liked where it was going. I interpreted it as: people start to suck harder as they get older.

According to Con Air, Irony is: a group of men singing along to a song on a plane that was created by a band that died in a plane crash.
That oughta clear it up.

And yet the only disguise she needed while in the same bar as Victoria Grayson was a pillar to hide herself? She even had the extremely distinct updo in her blonde hair. That just seems way too risky for our girl.

"Hey Nic…cole! You wearing somethin sexy?"
"Button-down and jeans, like always."
"Oh, you got jeans on baby? Are they tight?"
"Hmmmm, they're a little loose, I buy them big."
"Them jeans sound sexy!"

@avclub-a9dbf6c70f867fb5d09900f7bab79c25:disqus  Uh huh, except I was saying that Biter in the SHOW *DOES* have the same filed sharp teeth that he has in the books. That's why I said watch it again. Because then I'm sure you will see that the teeth are pointy triangles and fit into each other like sharks teeth when he

@avclub-5e550d516b252b5d3e9a239590372fed:disqus  Oh YEAH! That's so awesome, and totally plausible. Mostly because Mormont was really cool, and his death was sad. And that raven is weirdly attached to Jon, weeeeirdly so.

@avclub-e8e1ea96f3b1bf8e7400065325e188c8:disqus   Mind. Blown.

The thing I don't like, is that in the first scene of the first episode, it didn't just seem like they were something you can hide from. I only read the book after, and he does hide up a tree, but the show made it seem like they were in front of you, then behind you, and all around you, so it seemed silly for Jon to

Yeeeah, but, there are (nine?) multiple free cities, and more than one language. I'm pretty sure each city even has its own language, so different accents. Are they both from Braavos? Jaqen apparently served there but he might've been born somewhere else.

@avclub-f6555ba4e932df692bdead3171d5e677:disqus  This is a lame little bit of cross-fandoming, but it sounds like the name of a Death Eater.