Yeah, I don't think that just because she told Catelyn something, that it becomes canon.
Yeah, I don't think that just because she told Catelyn something, that it becomes canon.
You're supposed to SPOILER TAG the SPOILERS, Silly!
I think the point was to kill someone close to Dany without killing sexy Doreah.
@avclub-0da7b2945e9148fed0a61ba72bfb017e:disqus Ha ha ha ha ha! That is legitimately the GREATEST spoiler I have ever read. So stoked to read that part now.
@avclub-a9dbf6c70f867fb5d09900f7bab79c25:disqus Actually, Biter's teeth are sharp and filed to points, as well as yellow-as-fuck. All the points fit into the bottom teeth, it's creepy as shit. Watch again.
@avclub-6b8aa777ed70e7f15a45947a0f0c5986:disqus Ooooh that's awesome.
I don't think they completely discounted Shireen, and I think they did that on purpose because maybe GRRM hasn't decided the importance yet and they might have to introduce her by season 4 or 5 or whatever. She's not integral… yet.
They're the same. They're two who look like they grew a crapload though. I used to think they were twins but now there's no making that mistake.
@avclub-a02b31e615fdb0ca3dbb5ca5408da418:disqus Except, don't *most* of the Ironborn die and come back? The drowned men? "What is dead can never die" and all that nonsense? And that isn't Rh'llor either.
@avclub-fa0751843310eb1f6ccb1264171438b1:disqus Wait, really?
But dammit, I really wanted Patchface just to finally know what the hell kind of tune I'm supposed to sing that part in.
A big fucking LOL to Dev Patel as Mance Rayder. Of COURSE he can lead the biggest wildling army ever, of COURSE.
OWWWW that hurts
STOP IT. I'm going to cry!
That's the worst thing anybody has ever written.
@avclub-6beb5f589a9fd04c21fcd50db3d9c80c:disqus GOD DAMMIT! I start to think I won't miss The Office, and then YOU have to go and say THAT.
@avclub-64f720c4d4ffcf7df8535870aea4478d:disqus To be fair though, her first episode was The Injury. Ain't nowhere to go from there but down.