
After hearing that gem of a line, I started to wonder if this was some sort of weird Charlie Day side project.

Seriously. Stannis was kind of a jerk, Davos is in much better company now

As someone in their mid 30s, I didn't understand why the Cosby Show was popular when it was still in production.

It should be mentioned that one probably should not jump on stage for no good reason.
It should also be said that you shouldn't punch women in the face during shitty guitar solos too. That's what security is there for.

Damn kids and their subgenres! When I could still hear, all we had to listen to were the crickets out in the back yard!

Hey, what about that time Afrika Bambataa misappropriated electronic music from white people? That was awful!

I submit "Louie Louie" by the Kingsmen / "More Than A Feeling" by Boston;
Also, "No Particular Place to Go" by Chuck Berry and "Should I Stay Or Should I Go" by The Clash.

I thought the open-endedness worked pretty well with the cancellation. I'd rather see MORE, but that probably won't happen.
As an aside, people used to post "Yeah, but what about TERRIERS?" anywhere and everywhere on this site after it was cancelled. The AV Club commentariat is well aware of this show, my shirtless


"Everything Van Halen ever did was cool."

“I assure you, by the time I am done, my fucking basket will be filled with heads of incompetent cunts.”
Fucking Basket?

Or an Assassin's Creed game that you can't play yet!
Although it does come with AC: Black Flag, so at least I've got that going for me.

Frito Pie is, in theory, good.
However, I am extremely distrustful of mass produced chilli, so I'll probably just make this at home with my own dough/chilli/cheese.

Texas. That's how.

Three Words from David Bowie: "The Serious Moonlight".

Stupid hipsters and their stupid hipster video games! Who do they think they are, having their own opinions!?

The Wii version is pretty cheap, and seems to be a direct port from the SNES version. I'm re-playing through it now and have seen no differences at all.

Have I mentioned that in the East Atlanta/Decatur, Ga neighborhood I live in, there is an actual Dawes Avenue?

I've never operated a still before, but I've taken numerous gallons of 'shine and turned it into Apple Pie with my fiance. A friend of ours even made Quentin Tarantino and Jay Leno drink it on the Tonight Show last year, which was pretty cool to watch.

A few months ago the bar I work at was able to snag a 1/6th Barrel of Fire and Blood, Ommegang's limited-edition Game of Thrones tie-in beer. It was an amber ale with Ancho chiles. Not very spicy either, just had a mildly spicy finish.