
I don't read David Wolfe. I don't even own a David Wolfe. Notice I said "David Wolfe" and not "Avocado". That's because "Avocado" is a nickname and nicknames are for friends and David Wolfe is no friend of mine!

Not to worry, Northerners have proven themselves capable of being just as backwards and xenophobic as their neighbors below the mason-dixon line.

I really liked that scene. Also, being pretty much clueless as to who Ed Sheeran is probably helped a bit.

Perhaps the guy next to her complained, and that was why she was moved? Lord knows I wouldn't want to be seated next to America's least charismatic Iggy Pop impersonator for any amount of time.

Hey doggie, this isn't airing on MSNBC, it's on vanilla NBC

Shut up, Nerd.

A quick search for "Yehuda Finklestein twitter" seems to support that theory. I guess he started slumming it on Discus after his Twitter account was suspended.

I must admit I'm disappointed that they didn't use that old picture of Love & her pet turtle for this article.

That makes sense.

Not even a dragon's tit!


I will sing the song of your people for you.

To be fair, that method is effective for killing anyone, Ginger or not.

For roughly twice the price of that swill you can get some that tastes better, and has roughly twice the ABV. College kids tend to have shitty taste in beer, among other things.

God damn, I miss Victorian Spambot.

wtf is twitter lol

I'm really starting to question the wisdom of setting up a "normcore" notification on my account.

TV is a nickname and nicknames are for friends, and television is no friend of mine!

As a non-twitter user, I am somewhat confused about something. What the hell is a subtweet? Never seen the term used until today, and I've seen it used in two AVCLUB articles today. Is this something new, or am I twitter-illiterate?

A: It's an unfairly bad song.