
If I started dating nick oliveri, I'd want my friends to beat the shit out of me.

QotSA was awesome, Kyuss too…..but I don't think any reunions were in the works. Nothing of value was lost.

Really, 16 years til a new Nick Oliveri and the Mondo Generator album? What will I do?
I mean, besides listen to good bands. Saw them open for Turbonegro a couple years back….pretty fucking lame band.

"ironically comes off as unironic"

One of my favorite scenes from Rescue Me was when Lou went to a 9/11 support group meeting and started yelling at everyone there after he learned they weren't there/didn't know anyone there/weren't even in the goddamn country.

Fuck yeah it is.

Or perhaps the dreaded hydrophoby.

Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a great "I'm sick of your shitty jukebox selections, so here's 14 minutes of Maiden" song.

It is indeed peppered with Moby Dick references (white whale on the album cover, a song titled "I Am Ahab), although I wouldn't consider it a rock opera. That album shreds, by the way.

Q: What do you tell a R&B singer with two black eyes?

I personally believe this was recorded with the two of them never being in the studio at the same time. It's a publicity stunt remix, plain and simple. Of course, there are legions of dumb, impressionable teenage girls that don't know that and think it's ok to collaborate on shitty R&B remixes with an abusive

Alternatively, you can just mute individual players that start to piss you off. Works pretty good, without all the "yelling at 13 year olds on the internet" silliness.

Now, if they gave John Waters a crack at that franchise….just think about that for a minute.

Prescription medication overdose…A bump on the noggin….My Diagnosis?

No, they don't.

Or the Adirondacks. Not a lot of people there, but I'm sure they're all white.

I'm more of a Clermont Lounge man….

I love that sweet Leinster Province sound.

To be fair to the human cheese fry, a bunch of friends of mine work at a cocaine bar featured on D D & D (which one? I'm not telling!) and they all said he was a really nice guy in person.

I've heard. Not only is she a terrible tipper, but she encourages other people to be terrible tippers. I hope she drowns in her own shit.