
Probably one of the best live bands I've seen in a long, long time. Holy shit are they a force to be reckoned with.

It will be revealed that all members of SAMCRO came from the same irish baby mill.


Or an African…..

I'm pretty sure Stryper was anti-sorcery.

Well, it probably ain't gonna get sucked hanging out at home.

No, but on his watch the USDA tried to declare being poor as a vegetable.

My high school didn't have a homecoming dance, we had a squirrel-hurl

On the subject of successful weirdo flicks: I want to see someone make a biopic of Cereal Magnate/Enema Proponent/Anti-Masturbation Crusader John Harvey Kellogg.

You misspelled "Dreamcatheter".

Eh, you win some, you lose some

In defense of Americans over the age of 25 that have no more than a high school diploma: I know quite a few people with BA's that watch garbage like 2 1/2 Men and Bones. And the guy that turned me on to The Wire is a dropout and convicted felon.

These guys got banned from performing at one of the local venues here because Oderous fucked a 15 year old girl, then beat the shit out of her to the point that she left in an ambulance. But hey, I don't know about any similar behavior coming from Flattus, so RIP

I always imagined it meant something along the lines of "fucked up" (i.e. drunk/stoned/whatever). One of those weird southern sayings like "That dog won't hunt".


Indeed. I used to be in a hardcore punk band (Think Minor Threat if they advocated everything they preached against) and I drew a little bit of lyrical inspiration from the earlier stuff these guys put out.

Man, fuck that show. My girlfriend loves it for some reason, so I put up with her watching it, only because I do the same thing to her when Seinfeld comes on, just to watch her squirm.

Hahaha! I was drinking moonshine in that parking lot with one of the guys in that video just a week beforehand.
Also, I will be attempting to figure out who that shithead Elvis impersonator is, he had no business defending that fucktard Usher. Dude signed his check by parking like an asshole, and that chick was just…

King Khan & BBQ Show is pretty awesome. Not sure if they broke up or got back together or what, but they put on some pretty raucous live shows from what I've heard. Also, check out Mark Sultan's (BBQ) solo output, it's pretty great too.

Wasn't "2 girls 1 cup" bad enough? Now we have to watch Toby Keith debase himself on the internet too?