
The Great Ejaculator.

I could have been 1st chair washboard with a little more cruel encouragement. Fuck you, ma.

I believe this is what you're looking for, mcc.

That fucking photo
Upon seeing a black man wearing a cowboy hat who was not named Charley Pride, I knew there would be no "music" written about in here.

I hope…
that the LAPD finally catches the killer of this chronic smokin', Oreo cookie eatin', pickle juice drinkin', chicken gristle eatin', biscuit suckin', MUTHAfucka

And watch this right here, your father takes it up the A hole.

Don't Rag On Three 6 Mafia
They've got a mink coat that's furry like Chewbacca

Ace Rothstein was played by DeNiro in Casino. The Rothstein in this show is Arnold.

That movie fucking sucked. The only thing that kept me from walking out was the fact that it started being really funny towards the end. That day, I learned that just because Robert DeNiro is in something doesn't necessarily mean that it's worth seeing.

Should have scrapped this trite shit and recorded the song "Santa Claus Is Coming, And Not Necessarily To Town". I've been waiting for that shit for years.

Black Eyed Peas are Super Stupid.

While I find his current incarnation to be pretty fucking repugnant, 50 Cent used to be pretty funny. The hook for one song went "Its murrddaaa…I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!", a reference to Ja Rule being a fucking joke. Some say that this track led to 50 Cent being shot 9 times, which in turn led to the marble-mouthed rapper

Beyond Ludicrous, you say?
This is an excerpt of a woman named Ingrid Newkirk's will. Guess what? She willed her body to PETA. Her directions on what to do with various parts of her body:

Transformers: Shia Battles the Pink Robots


For what it's worth…
Had I been offered to chip in my two cents, I would have called this movie "Transformers 3: Whitey's on the Moon".

Seeing the Black Lips play on their turf back in the day was amazing. You never knew what was going to happen. Beer cans flying in all directions.

Maybe you're thinking about the smoke monster from Lost?

Old Metallica Song
Freezing, Can't move at all